Infoseite // GS320, Firewire is lost after a few minutes ...

Frage von soxan:

When I try to play videos via firewire to the PC to play, the PC detects the camera correctly, just after a few minutes (time varies), the camcorder is lost ... that connection is no longer recognized. No matter what software (Magix Video Deluxe, Movie Maker, Nero Vision, Pinnacle) and I use the firewire - I connect s.PC suppose, always the same problem ....
Because who has an idea what this can be?


Antwort von salinger:


the same problem I had synonymous times. I had a FireWire PCI card, after the change of the slots (broken), the problem was gone.

DU synonymous If a PCI card, you try to change.


Antwort von soxan:

Yes, it is a PCI firewire card, the rear and front Connections offers. I'll try ... THANKS erstmal


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