Frage von Asjoker:
I got me a little bit in this area umgeguggt and I think, as you probably synonymous, this whole case pretty demotivating.
Still, I am quite ignorant what this whole case is concerned but I know now that (almost) any YouTube video ACTUALLY illegal.
But since it's such 4357893911 ~ YouTube video, there is an itch in the whole annoying Rechtsm! St already, simply because mitzulaufen.
Mich würd so ahead of all the legal stuff particularly interested in:
How narrow is because all of the ridge where you are located when you publish something on YouTube legally not quite what is legal? My is it ever happens that someone accidentally watches a video where he briefly times appears in the background, he accidentally detects and then so very excited about it then sued the Uploader?
Now the exception of extreme examples where someone has just asked, because I can already think of me ... but even when critical theme music, I find the already questionable, because everyone is doing really just some background music out ....
If I have a video would make the more or less popular, do
I but not before seriously afraid that the owner of the house, where I've filmed accuses me? Or the guy at 34:29 has gone through the picture it looks and accuses me? And as I said, even in the Music ... but does everyone else Oo, I do not sell the place but like millions of others only on YouTube. Clearly therefore it is illegal but still it can not be obtained due to a small video on YouTube that goes eh is indicted? __________
I just want to know how the reality looks like, maybe you can find me synonymous of better and teach me a lot of tough action cases show, which I STILL can not really believe. Or are the only videos endangered big get out? Well, would be grateful for your thoughts ...
Antwort von tommyb:

To the random people:
(You guckst Item 5)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Well since youtube now so all user data and IP s videos ankucken s.VIACOM must (Are they too have been sued), I think the times you can see what you like
Big Brother is watching u I say as only
B. DeKid
Antwort von M-Kult:

[ot] Old Swede - Viacom's huge oO
But because it surprised me no more, that no good music / music videos on TV more runs. ;)
[/ ot]
Aufjedenfall I would be careful what I upload to Youtube.
Antwort von DWUA:

@ Asjoker
("... I just want to know what the reality looks like ...")
Suppose you before, YOUTUBE is the Müller Strasse in Berlin.
You go along and they know that there is theoretically 2 tons
Dog shit annually.
You're not slipped once.
Another has the same beidfüßig unlucky.
He has therefore another "shit" expression.
Antwort von Asjoker:

Thank you first.
Some such answers I expected synonymous.
Apart tommyb's link of each answer is a warning.
But ... direct examples, you can not tell me ^ ^ such as application cases. Sure, YouTube saves all sorts of data such as IP's of users and 982039472, this next - and na? XD
Hardly credible that they each IP back track and then sue the uploader, which is to surf through YouTube recently confirmed.
Here is a quote from a report of mirror:
[code: 1:33451 f69eb] Viacom assured the IP data only in the process of wanting to use YouTube, but not against the users. [/ code: 1:33451 f69eb]
Videos will be no more than cleared cases in which the uploader has been sued are unknown to me - or you can call me what? Apart from this, it is here anyway just to
piracy, thus stolen DVD's or TV shows on YouTube which will be published. Even then (where it actually can remember) are only removed videos.
My videos have with piracy but not really what to do. I hardly credible that the owner of a skyscraper of me wants to know if anything I said in front of his house or his house something turn, which is gone elsewhere and if you are surfing through YouTube you can see the record companies synonymous the background music of such amateur videos synonymous no preference and this is with the people was always so clear.
So what is commercial videos are probably different, I will only be to the private, free videos are
not necessarily TV shows or DVD content but rather
include background music and just building / people / marks show disturb anyone. If I want to sell my videos, I informed myself again but that is something else.
Again: Can anyone me an example (action case) indicate where a private Uploader s.die throat as he went some background music to use, buildings or people or whatever showed (harmless)? Otherwise, I would hardly bother to Hans Zimmer to achieve the right holder or his music to show them just for a private video as background music to use.
Antwort von ChrisHH:

Was ever a great experience with Un * v * r * l * c. Mus Had a video of the sample of ESC-08 Pre-uploaded, it was then a little later of the said company as a copyright infringement reported. In addition, I wrote a less friendly (anonymous) employee of the company to Youtube that I, if I re-upload video should be sued.
Antwort von Asjoker:

Well anyway it was only cleared and as I said, when TV broadcasts or DVD's
"stealing" and YouTube uppt are already sour, but my only buildings, places and people show and background music use. What you've written actually fits perfectly into what I wrote ^ ^ synonymous when it is actually harmless and incomprehensible for many is that then for the stop piracy anyway, which is then deleted, I do not find next bad.
How else are cases where someone has been indicted or otherwise have trouble getting (eg due to use of music)? So only in private, free area such as YouTube?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... my only buildings, places and people show ... That is, in many cases quite legally anyway possible and then for a youtube video just as uncritically as if you have the video somewhere else to publish.
... in private, free area such as YouTube ... From a legal point of youtube is anything but "private" - quite the contrary: Even more public can hardly get a video.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von klaas:

naja, also with background music do you legally exactly the same as if you ne dvd upload to youtube would. said in your persons, houses, etc. is about personality, but no license or right analysis.
you have no license s.der music, not to sync, nor to edit or to redistribute etc.pp .
there are plenty of record companies are against this whole history of music on youtube strong. now there is so synonymous player that will allow ne videos from youtube playlist to create. who then buys or compilations? in most matters is the video nu "accessories" and there goes the drum song rienzustellen.
well, to your question:
than I do at its record company have worked, we have such a dinger rausgezgen and contacted youtube. they've got the vids then deleted. even as thou hast said, between the company and is youtube uploader. In the first step, the right label to proceed youtube, youtube would be the following then proceed against the user, because the insured has every right to possess ...
I did, however, times of nem video read against the parents of a child, that is because of this shame ... vllt I find the article, then you get him, fakt was there that they have sued directly uploader. But that is synonymous something else again, the uploader had no license only right they have violated privacy rights etc ...
rumor is that it gives way, synonymous labels that operate videos ... and it's true;)
ask for like, I've ne major legal here, they can answer all super ...:)
gruß, klaas.
Antwort von klaas:
... in private, free area such as YouTube ...
From a legal point of youtube is anything but "private" - quite the contrary: Even more public can hardly get a video.
Gruß Bernd E. times I go out of he thinks commercial / noncommercial ...
gruß, klaas.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... times I go out of he thinks commercial / noncommercial ... True, it is probably so. If I am not mistaken, is the distinction between commercial and non-commercial in the legal assessment but no matter: Since only one aspect of the publication.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Videos will be no more than cleared cases in which the uploader has been sued are unknown to me - or you can call me what? Wedding Filmer: about 29,000 euros, including legal fees and court costs plus consultant for three tracks.
S.450 students plus the remaining costs. No relief is given to pay.
I always amazing me every day how the people, the nice talk about copyright infringement and "oh, just delete the" and "who cares" and "find my clip eh None" and blablabla. Yes just read (see above). Then it sits a poor trembling sausages before the desk and extends a letter from the rights holders with claims being gruesome ... So really, that you can save happy. Number of times around 12,000 euros, with 16 if you an enforceable title can get: the remains enforceable until you're 46, in the normal occupation without the donation, you have very likely only with the end 20 / early 30s the pile debt repaid. Until you pay the first euro, will still attract interest. I know of a case with an initial sum as mentioned. When the debtor's first-ever pay received had the interest rate is already at almost 20,000 euros can grow. Beautiful views.
Antwort von Asjoker:

Preliminary: Yes, I said with private (un) commercial printed stupid sorry
Na afraid I always at risk.
My only question was whether a risk is described in the videos on there and if nobody else on YouTube has been sued for this, I think this is not a risk.
To your examples:
[code: 1:061 bf89669] Wedding Filmer: about 29,000 euros, including legal fees and court costs plus consultant for three tracks. [/ code: 1:061 bf89669]
Huh? Do you have because they were sued for wedding video background music of someone else used it? Well this is really very hard ... but possible. Well at any rate is the commercial with YouTube and has therefore nothing to do.
[code: 1:061 bf89669] s.450 students plus the remaining costs. No relief is given to pay. [/ code: 1:061 bf89669]
What do you mean by that? What has he done? More specifically, please ^ ^
Something like I have never heard, at least not on YouTube.
[code: 1:061 bf89669] I know of a case with an initial sum as mentioned. [/ code: 1:061 bf89669]
Again ... what is it? I generally do not talk of copyright infringement, because that is a tough and serious topic, I'm talking of unkomerziellen YouTube movies where the background music is used (video is in the foreground), or just places / buildings / people who quite incidentally shown.
Was there ever something in action cases? I do appreciate your warning and you know this is serious / good think, I just want herrausfinden whether it is specifically for YouTube videos for uncommercial at risk. You will now say "It is ILLEGAL, so YES - RISK!" But if users 234952374 sowas upload daily and none of them ever got trouble
(except when things just where you can imagine it) would I "iced" the risk of 0.000000001 percent rounded to 0 and
do it. Or what were your examples related?
Antwort von Axel:
Was there ever something in action cases? Yes but. Andreas_Kiel, the lawyer probably has a few examples. The forum rules will include, if I remember correctly, synonymous, that the call for illegal things must remain, whether they are considered harmless by the poster understood or blatantly criminal. The violation of copyright appears many - see YouTube users - as minor. Even if you as the author does not thereby result in financial loss (the thieves argue yes "but I did not
synonymous with profit ..."), empfändest you brazen abuse and still be considered a
puny schäbig. And that's it. Value Amateurgefilme lot in vain through foreign feathers to adorn tried.
Antwort von Asjoker:

[code: 1:16 ff6a87d6] The Forum rules include, if I remember correctly, synonymous, that the call for illegal things must remain [/ code: 1:16 ff6a87d6]
Entschudligung, because I have not thought of.
[code: 1:16 ff6a87d6] value Amateurgefilme lot in vain through foreign feathers to adorn tried. [/ code: 1:16 ff6a87d6]
So it must not necessarily be so. But it sounds like is a good and talented amateur director worth nothing if not synonymous, nor the music itself to do. Can not everyone just both, the shame of such a video will not be with borrowed plumes can inspire, it could still rise an angel;)
Well no preference, danke nochmal s.alle answer - it should really be no call to be rather naïve attempt with talk of you rauszukizeln strict warnings. Think I know roughly what the situation looks, thx;)
Antwort von Axel:
[code: 1: d967d2004c] value Amateurgefilme lot in vain through foreign feathers to adorn tried. [/ code: 1: d967d2004c]
So it must not necessarily be so. But it sounds like is a good and talented amateur director worth nothing if not synonymous, nor the music itself to do. Can not everyone just both, the shame of such a video will not be with borrowed plumes can inspire, it could still rise an angel;) Turn thee yet sM cult. Or you s.einen known musicians. Whose film only in conjunction with a particular music acts, the rule must still s.der dramatic work. Otherwise the music is a locomotive, which pulls a spring (from the wings of your angel).
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... it sounds like is a good and talented amateur director worth nothing if not synonymous, nor the music itself to do ... the shame of such a video will not be with borrowed plumes can inspire ... So you can certainly synonymous's see ;-) It seems to me, for many "youtube-directors" but rather the contrary, declared: They believe that their work is worth nothing if it is not with at least one hit TopTen is supportable. Vehemence with which they disrespect you in front of the creativity of other people then synonymous nor schönzureden tried to surprise me again and again. There are plenty of ways, quite legally s.gute music to come - apart from the fact that film at any price is often annoying and some movies without music would have won more ...
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Was there ever something in action cases?
Yes but. Andreas_Kiel, the lawyer probably has a few examples. The forum rules will include, if I remember correctly, synonymous, that the call for illegal things must remain, whether they are considered harmless by the poster understood or blatantly criminal. ........ empfändest you still brazen abuse as puny and shabby. And that's it. Value Amateurgefilme lot in vain through foreign feathers to adorn tried.
The forum rules will include, if I remember correctly, synonymous, that the call for illegal things must remain
Entschudligung, because I have not thought of. Then I've waited for. ;-(
As time someone makes a really relevant question and see what happens ......
Asjoker s legitimate Meihnung my statement is not "unlawful", so if you in a forum of this kind, not a thesis sollche may represent / express, then I find the times for the Popo.
I'm getting his thread for his thesis entitled and for voices. I do not think he is a CALL to make illegal acts.
@ Axel - you see the NEN bissel excessive. I know this you simply defines Asjoker s way of uppercase letters and be brazen approach or whatever his conduct would like to describe, not really like the finals or fence post wanted to swing. But I would expect not. The choice of words I was not very apt.
@ Asjoker - are in some view themselves to blame, ask what synonymous as provocative, but you have to know that not everything Money brings anyone interested. As soon as it could yield profit is rumgeschleimt and / or sued. (Can you remember s.FarCry ;-)
You're not obliged us to link to your video to give, if we are good with it and get seen. And then what if someone asks about it here / writes, then found this Asjoker precisely synonymous cool. More is not enough yet, get one way or the Crown no forum set up synonymous NEN blockbuster if you land here is about the end of film and the art of film (image) as sollches, not about who the best among us.
@ Andreas - then post the links Asjoker times. The simple cases drawn from the hat, as you see but rather, anstachelnd.
Facts are facts figures numbers.
But please synonymous Youtube direct links to cases and not have any code snippets to anyway We all have read it umpteen times.
You'll be a lawyer but as a certain understanding for the actual question of Asjoker have. So give us the facts You're Here is the Pro in the field.
@ klaas
Record company - da hab ich mal ne how to do it in the genre, is not synonymous to use youtube to promote some songs?
What with all the songs of the index as the German Hip Hop scene?
Because it represents the youth and vulnerability denounced the album and the "most modest" clip is already in the network.
So I see this as a pure marketing niche .... Concerts on the drive so the kids or so and give a ticket with more than the album would restore.
Or ne mono version vs. "I am running into the store and buy me the album, because I think the cool song"
Tell something for clips for whatever reasons have been sought and if not better quality from the studio in order for the post was made.
I allowed my because you are so familiar stories, if you're from the scene.
(All of course, no names and you in any way, even in bad light to move)
@ All
Well I will be brief times.
Rum carp and jealousy has hie
Antwort von Axel:
... apart from the fact that film at any price is often annoying and some movies without music would have won more ... And without SOUND! This Gerausche and Geknackse from the
Top 6 beginner mistakes! This is probably the music often serve as the "Adjustment Layer for the appalling OST. In fact, I turn to YouTube often the sound off, then won some film. More seriously. If I see a video, I will not dance to it.
@ B.deKid:
If an unrecognized Kubrick or Tarantino just despair, because any mere sordid and laws for the protection of any stinkereichen music producers keep it small, I would be the first, according to call after publication. I have to keep signing statements that I am the copyright of eight (movies, access to new shoot, which are not yet available for download). That is why I am still not followers of
banned games! Signs, but I can see the massive devaluation of intellectual property as the epitome of the
Unkreativität. I do not heuchele not synonymous already finished music used to have, I'm not a musician. It's not as if I argued with the angel can not understand. But if the whole film is so weak that it
is precisely this "borrowed" Music needs remains of this ingenious pulse stop no more than a feather and a bloody corpse somewhere in the distance.
Antwort von klaas:

@ klaas
Record company - da hab ich mal ne how to do it in the genre, is not synonymous to use youtube to promote some songs?
What with all the songs of the index as the German Hip Hop scene?
Because it represents the youth and vulnerability denounced the album and the "most modest" clip is already in the network.
So I see this as a pure marketing niche .... Concerts on the drive so the kids or so and give a ticket with more than the album would restore.
Or ne mono version vs. "I am running into the store and buy me the album, because I think the cool song"
Tell something for clips for whatever reasons have been sought and if not better quality from the studio in order for the post was made.
I allowed my because you are so familiar stories, if you're from the scene.
(All of course, no names and you in any way, even in bad light to move)
Paradoxically, it was always about pop / oldies, because this is a genre, which still makes a profit or revenue, because NEN buys 60-year-old still ne platte instead to download / burn or bad quali on youtube to see ...
So I see this as a pure marketing niche .... Concerts on the drive so the kids or so and give a ticket with more than the album would restore. I do not check ... the concert agencies are still making incredible gains / losses do umsätze...tonträgerfirmen however ... in a few years after the whole 180/360 ° contracts have been completed will be the artists' agency / agencies konzert buy the record labels ...
and yes, the record companies themselves youtubevideos high load their songs to promote ... are synonymous as the film trailer officially online ... but in a good qualitative and in full possession of any right ...
rudimentary answered?
nice weekend ...
gruß, klaas.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

[code: 1:4 b5cb14d13] Wedding Filmer: about 29,000 euros, including legal fees and court costs plus consultant for three tracks. [/ code: 1:4 b5cb14d13]
Huh? Do you have because they were sued for wedding video background music of someone else used it? Well this is really very hard ... but possible. Well at any rate is the commercial with YouTube and has therefore nothing to do.
All examples from practice and more recently. The above film has some excerpts from his so-called "creative" when uploaded to YouTube and with its own Page linked. Detailed I will not describe.
Your contributions are quite interesting to read. Obviously you want to in the near future a lawyer with a significant fee happy.
I warn anyone here anymore copyright infringement, because I write the series keyboards broken. Who synonymous in 2008 still do not know s.wie the high risk of detection and b) extremely low cost to the court finds evidence of culpability, with the hops and malt is lost anyway.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

@ Andreas - then post the links Asjoker times. The simple cases drawn from the hat, as you see but rather, anstachelnd.
Facts are facts figures numbers.
But please synonymous Youtube direct links to cases and not have any code snippets to anyway We all have read it umpteen times.
You'll be a lawyer but as a certain understanding for the actual question of Asjoker have. So give us the facts You're Here is the Pro in the field.
this should be synonymous, the judgments have been published to be able to post links to (gugeln itself makes the rest of synonymous clever). The publication is only one of the parties or the court themselves. The hurdles for this are not small, eg juris. There appear only such judgments, which are of outstanding importance, or legal history, because as a legal matter has been resolved first.
Very well known here, for example, "Liability for links" issue (which incidentally in 99% of cases are not understood and to be literally millions of worthless Disclaimer led). The "speeder-judgment" ( "Turbo-Rolf") is stored there.
From my desk I will be sure not to quote. But here:
LG Dusseldorf 12th
Civil Chamber Decision Date: 23/01/2008 Reference number: 12 O 246/07's time a number of sources (just in juris researched). Here is someone trying to (as Filehoster!) Against the invitation to failure to defend ( "The applicant seeks to establish that the defendant her no copyright claim omission regarding the release of 143 pieces of music has.").
Action was dismissed with costs. In this respect, the decision is relevant because it is in the final result as good as it makes no difference whether the music in a video is embedded or not. The legal issues are of course slightly different, the result is just as expensive.
Because of the extreme amounts of controversy, and because in the past several platforms in the context of Mitstörer property could pay heavily, platforms move it in the connection data of the affected user almost euphoric s.die rights holder to the prosecutor. How to get in a months-old clip s.die connection data comes, everyone may think.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
I do not heuchele not synonymous already finished music used to have, I'm not a musician. You can relatively weak coin for your (film) Music synonymous yourself, there are lots of tools with amazing results. I've seen at a friend who used tape-in-a-Box. Thus we have with little time and effort for free, plus a few legal Dixieland pieces together to create a clip for an event with a contemporary sound to be inferior.
If you are so intensely busy, there are tons of opportunities, good-sounding pieces literally generate.
SonyCinescore I use, for example. Everything is not just Billich, but still much cheaper than post of Madonna :-)
Antwort von Axel:
I do not heuchele not synonymous already finished music used to have, I'm not a musician.
You can relatively weak coin for your (film) Music synonymous yourself, there are lots of tools with amazing results. I have written so often synonymous. I "use" Music is still off the shelf, as an orientation. After processing, with another tune, she recognizes None more. In some respects it is still plagiarism, as most film music. Madonna makes itself so no soundtrack, but covert industrious. What they say? The devil shits on the thickest clusters.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

for the doubters to "generated" Music is
Antwort von Axel:
The soundtrack comes from SonyCinescore ... Since sing quite clear people. Synthesizer that already sound
so real, I did not ;-)
In Rendsburg has to face two or three years time an ex-colleague and good friend with his wife, who together form a movie. The world is small, not only of Rendsburg.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

I've asked a musician, why the songs sound quite good - the most in any case - and how to-how that a machine which can be calculated.
His explanation: In Cinescore small samples recorded. The various themes include several variants of each other matching the same piece in a slightly different arrangement (with vocals times, sometimes without, etc.). In that regard, it is probably the most "genuine" or the (so you can sing along as synonymous Humanoids). Composed, it will be in accordance with the requirements of the user, the numerous interventions and thus may make the individual pieces individually. The variations are virtually endless.
For the short track, I have maybe, two minutes with different switching arrangement (Mood) needed ...
The program "tape-in-a-Box 'is generated, however, everything from the scratch" via MIDI. Music can sometimes be described mathematically. Therefore, there is sometimes impossible sounding outliers. Otherwise, however, synonymous here with certain styles chord sequences. As the partially convincing lively sounding melodies come, the musician could not explain itself synonymous. Especially jazz sounds so very good, other things tend not to.
Very probably there are statistics, which notes to each other / one after another like the fit and in form can be set. But no preference, the program will be the next purchase :-)
Antwort von Ficeduld:

People, rattle times from Jamendo, all royalty-free music (at least for non-Commercial), 10000 albums! All styles of music (almost all).
everything for free download. Man, why still a risk?
Antwort von B.DeKid:
The program "tape-in-a-Box 'is generated, however, everything from the scratch" ..... especially jazz sounds so very good .... :-)
Andreas Aha So like a
Nice video you made find that looks good and fits synonymous Music.
But there has been filmed from the hand?
B. DeKid
PS. Would certainly a nice Still Image Location, I like old buildings and their charisma / flair.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

yes, some out of hand, from some of the Tripod. Synonymous had a reason :-)
As Still image location very suitable! (Just incidentally, such as around the silo in the northern port of Kiel.) Since we already have a chip after another filled ..
In the last scene, I would have after turning ABK * tzen can somehow flick the zoom once more in the middle of the crossing, probably, I am on the button come. For the next crossing (only if needed), it was really too dark.
Color correction - via e-mail because I was asked earlier (which I actually post
here - halloooo?) - There has been no where. No filter, nothing. Only a polarizer.
Antwort von DWUA:

Axel wrote:
(...) Since sing quite clear people. Synthesizer that already sound
so real, I knew not ;-)(...)
They do not synonymous. But you can very well be music editing programs vocal fragments backwards. Good to hear from 02:34 to 02:37.
Sounds at least as.
What is a JS Bach in his Preludes and Fugues in his elaborate manuscript notation in his compositions with "cancer" or "mirror"
(example: "The Well-Tempered Clavier") conceived, each
simple program such as "Soundtrack Pro" at the speed of light
change so that something new is emerging.
Antwort von Asjoker:
@ B. DeKid Citation of B. DeKid @ Asjoker - are in some view themselves to blame, ask what synonymous as provocative, but you have to know that not everything Money brings anyone interested. As soon as it could yield profit is rumgeschleimt and / or sued. (Can you remember s.FarCry ;-)
You're not obliged us to link to your video to give, if we are good with it and get seen. And then what if someone asks about it here / writes, then found this Asjoker precisely synonymous cool. More is not enough yet, get one way or the Crown no forum set up synonymous NEN blockbuster if you land here is about the end of film and the art of film (image) as sollches, not about who the best among us. Hmm ... ich hab mich
mal wieder probably wrong words ...
1. Why was the provocative ^ ^?
2. A link I wanted to never send you ^ ^ and I have never said that my video is Blockbuster and I want to have any crown ... just wanted to ask how it's used with the music for a modest (in the gigantic
head of course) film project looks like. Maybe I expressed myself somewhere stupid, have no desire aba now read through everything again ^ ^ sorry if it did.
@ ALL So by default YouTube garnicht I want out ...
Most do so anyway just some spontaneous Sc! 3 $ ß and put music on in the background and even those who are a bit more effort to let the music sometimes everything ourselves - simmt already.
I will not do so. For the whole cheap videos I can understand that it often makes the music from. But you still can not deny the good in shooting (good movie & good music) the music the movie again anyway extremely gigantic push. Music is VERY important for me, but that means but not the video I s.sich then be negligible, just because so many others do?
Music ourselves Also erstmal vornweg, with my music I no simple background beats, some Gekliere or so. Rather gigantic film music (for example, "The Final Charge" of Hans Zimmer) and for such extreme music you need talent and yet, a Orchestar (where I Programs synonymous try but it reached Orchestar think I'm not).
We are not synonymous as if naked. For my part, I still can not really create great but my colleague was already a genius in the field of film music and will always be better. Of which we draw our advantage synonymous. Now ye shall ask "Why the hell does it have music by other composers?"
Now there are several reasons and in addition to all the (possibly synonymous sometimes impossible to solve) problems in the Selbstkomponierung a sound track in the scale of the final batch volume counts above all one: We are glad of the music and inspiration to make music then a movie extra. Clearly, at normal shooting it is different but those around
- often rather smaller - Movies can be synonymous in themselves. Film and Music will harmonize perfectly. Final batch synonymous, we would like to do something because it is in the movie more or less destruction is (Last Samurai - the Directing I was sooo not ...). It is impossible only months s.einem soundtrack work and then only to see whether a mind to what (if not, it was almost for nothing?) And is a surprisingly often synonymous with what the music in a completely different direction - ie the you never would.
I think it would be nice if only for the creative music-making could be released. Maybe there are creative people with a breathtaking video about climate change and the simple music from a perfectly harmonizing filming could make. When the Mu