Frage von marvinh:
As you might read in the forum Kaufberatung did, I am superior to my Canon HV20 zuzulegen.
I think my follow-up questions are included in this sub-forum better:
First of all what I need the Camera: I would like to Kitesurf scenes filmed from the beach. To make a good movie like this can create, I must synonymous subsequently digitally s.PC ranzoomen can, without the image quality suffers dadrunter.
Here's a small sample video of the desired goal:
My PC has an Intel Centrino 1.6 GHz chip (probably equivalent to 2.2 GHz) and only 512mb RAM.
Now to my questions:
1. Is the performance of your PC just to cut important (because the work with a slow PC, or it is extremely annoying long before the film is rendered), or you need a fast PC, otherwise the film HDV will not render correctly, but then jerky or something?
2. I do not have an HD-ready TV, therefore, of worth for me, not HDV, but I thought that I HDV recordings may be better then digital zoom can be?
3. I was advised the Canon HV20 to buy because the HV 20 synonymous HDV and DV recording can output. What does this mean? In Kaufberatung thread is:
"Furthermore, a HDV cam that is available on PAL standard runterregelt, a poorer quality than normal DV Cams, this is s.Aufbau the chip HDV camcorder, it needs the PAL Picture digitally calculated, which leads to data loss . 'Is that mean?
If so then the picture quality worse?
The HV20 is so synonymous only 1CCD chip ...
Otherwise, I am holding on to me superior to the NV-GS500 (or GS320) to buy. The HV20 and the GS500 are almost identical but expensive. So what is better for me?
Please, helpful answers,
Regards, Marvin
Antwort von marvinh:

the third question in the forum, I found the following reply:
"Yes, very often provides an HD signal downkonvertiertes even better than a
PAL just recorded. "
Does not the other with my quote? I view as somehow not quite by ...
Antwort von Markus:
Does not the other with my quote? The one quote referred to the fact that an HDV camcorder image converter directly from an SD-Picture (SD = Standard Definition) abliest, which is due to the improved picture on HD converter in quality can lead to.
The other statement, I see more in the Postpro located, if one has the possibility of a high-resolution HDV video with 4:2:0 color so to SD size scaling that the 4:2:2 color resolution at the same time improved .
Statement by the Farbsamplings
Antwort von marvinh:

So if I start now with HDV and the PC only to transfer data (especially with the Canon HV20), then the image quality is better or worse than a directly with DV (for example, the Panasonic NV-GS500) recorded Picture?
Antwort von wolfgang:

For the HDV Berbeitung is the performance of your PC very well be of significance - because it played an appropriately redundant preview takes to the material can be assessed. And because the render times are not in a week should be.
Your PC is unfortunately quite old, if you want to stay where I would rather advise of HDV (even then of AVCHD). Check times according to what the manufacturer of your cutting events as indicating Mindestspec for HDV.
Antwort von marvinh:

Therefore, I am interested in this burning question:
So if I start now with HDV and the PC only to transfer data (especially with the Canon HV20), then the image quality is better or worse than a directly with DV (for example, the Panasonic NV-GS500) recorded Picture?
Then I could still work with DV, and HDV in the future with (if I have a better PC) ...
This would, however, I only do if the quality of HDV to DV conversion is not worse than when I worked as with a DV camcorder to have.
(The thing is, that the Canon HV20 is cheaper than the Panasonic GS500)
My clips are typically 5-10 minutes long (as it is Kiteaufnahmen).
Longer movies I will probably be split, so I vllt with my PC could still get there?
Antwort von Wiro:

if you are in HDV with DV and aufnimmst Wide ausgibst, ie the Herunterrechnen over the camcorder, you can assume that the quality is equally good as for the GS500.
The striking phrase your question is however: "... I must synonymous subsequently digitally s.PC ranzoomen may, without the image quality suffers dadrunter". This is only the highest quality when you get the HDV material in HDV capturst, then create a DV-Wide Project to create and the HDV footage into the DV timeline lay. Here you have enough reserves to nearly double heranzuzoomen without that the quality changed.
Condition is that the NLE the "large" HDV material when importing non mercilessly on Projektmaß herunterrechnet - otherwise it gets. Adobe Premiere for example, is well suited. Your schmalbrüstiger Calculator is however not really join in: (
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von marvinh:

Cool thanks for the answer!
Well, yes maybe someday even a better PC. Only when I am with the Canon HV20 in HDV recording and the recording in DV reckon let down, and then the quality is not worse than when I am with the Panasonic GS500 had recorded in DV, then I look at the Canon HV20 growth.
The price is almost the same (if Amazon has the Canon even a bit cheaper) and then when I have the Canon is still the possibility of HDV material to process ...
Or what do you think?
Antwort von Wiro:

Yes, a good idea. High Definition is the future.
You only need to understand that you ALWAYS in HDV aufnimmst - no preference what you subsequently do with the material. If you are already in the camcorder Recording on DV adjust the image quality deteriorates because of a chip HDV camera not optimally designed for DV.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von marvinh:

Yes, I have already read out and was synonymous my plan, maybe I expressed it wrongly.
Thank you for the answers! Great forum! * THUMBS UP *