Frage von Julian0o:
I'm looking for my brother was right, I just do not look through all the models with and what else is there.
So my brother makes BMX videos, currently with a 4Mpixel Casio Digicam ... so synonymous to quality.
In the summer he goes to work and gets it together ¬ 800-1000. But then he wanted an HD Cam + Fisheye pick.
But what I think is important, he does a lot with slow motion ... would be important so far as the FPS, or Cam? But the make but 1080p with 25fps all the ...
I personally got a few cameras in the Saturn angeguckt and found the Panasonic models of better handling and so forth.
But this is actually completely no preference.
Antwort von deti:

Always a good tip and at the moment particularly favorable, since discontinued model and is still better than most other cameras in this class: Canon HF-100 (~ 550 ¬). This camera records to SD cards and is fairly indestructible.
They have 1-2 SD cards (16Gbyte ~ ¬ 25) for recording:
A Wide Anglevon Canon (~ 130 ¬), if quality is to go - otherwise synonymous tute a Raynox (70-80 ¬).
Then your brother still needs 1-2 replacement batteries:
(BP-827 Compatible Battery BP-827 Compatible ¬ 29.99)
Power about 800 ¬ (for a Battery and an SD Card) and can be really good HD videos.
A word about slow motion: The recommended Canon 25p or 50i can. I would recommend 50i - why? If you are in 1920x1080 with 50 fields record, then it can only means of appropriate interpolation a reasonably good slow motion right. Sowas dominates u. A. Sony Vegas and Adobe After Effects. The easiest way is the result in the Resolutionauf 1280x720 with 25 frames to render. This has a lot of disappearing Kammeffekte by scaling.