Frage von humphreysammy:![](
I have recently launched a HDV Camera (SonyHDR HC9) and now looking for suitable software interface.
From Adobe, I have the item for testing downloaded and am actually quite happy with it except that I finished my film no longer on the camera can hold.
As the backup to tape but actually the reason why I had my HDV Camera bought is obviously a problem.
In the documentation for the soft ware is the following: Click the task pane to "distribute" and then on "tape".
And there is already a problem for me is not "tape" but only "online", "disc", etc.
Please can someone help me?
Thank you and lg
Antwort von Modellbahner:
Can the demo version, perhaps not.
Antwort von humphreysammy:
Thank you, if that's safe is yes then it's no problem. But I do not want me to buy the software and then find it not as the radio as I please.
Antwort von Jogi:
With Sony HDV Cams often an overlooked problem in the Rückspielung on tape ... In the menu must
be activated and
HDV is not automatic!
Antwort von humphreysammy:
Thank you, I have made and does not synonymous :-(
Premiere is also a Wahrnmeldung this out when "Auto" is selected.
Antwort von letsdoit:
I have Premiere Elements 7, and actually a good program.
Back playing aud tape is obviously planned, but not of me, because at the premiere back playing all 10-15 min a significant error image is produced.
When you play on PC tape of the sound is always in the same period by 6 pictures asyncron. The problem probably have several.
Now I play the video with Magix 2008 + on the PC, edit with Premiere and then again by Magix tape.
Not really ideal.
Unfortunately, the HD performance of Magix too bad, in order to work.
First osFehlers because I had my PC (although high-end and on optimized) or windows in suspecting the sudden something is calculated and the data reception, but puff pastry.
The fault lies in the premiere program.