Frage von Blinki:
I have the Panasonic HDC-SD100 (I8HA01408 serial number) and the associated HD Writer 2.6E for HDC (V2.6L018)! I use the notebook Fujitsu Siemens mobile AMD Athlon (tm) XP3000 + 1.45 GHz, 1.00 GB RAM! My problem: Writer can be my HD DVD drive (_NEC DVD + RW ND-5100A) does not recognize. It appears in the HD Writer at the drive choice (select Write Target) the error message "Can not available Drivers / adapter / video camera found. Connect the equipment properly." On the Panasonic AVCHD SUPPORT SITE proposed solution (in the registry under the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass
(4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318) "entries" upper filters "and" lower filters "to delete) HAS BROUGHT NOTHING! The drive is still not recognized. Everywhere else (Explorer, etc.) it works. Please help me someone with other proposed solutions. Did someone ideas? Thank you!
Antwort von Blinki:

Is this really no one answer!
Please, someone has a solution or a suggestion?
Still ultra important! Thank you!
Antwort von RickyMartini:

How does your work out (clips to disk copy, cut video, ...)?
Antwort von mercedes22:

Blinkies Hello,
You now have a solution for the problem found?
I have the 'last' Aldi-Notebook MD 97440 and just bought the same problem 'hosts recognize the HD DVD drive is not' like you.
The deletions in the Reg have also not successful.
Please if you have info to the next.
Merci m22