Frage von Cammovie08:
I would like to next summer because I am new, and Cam better buy for family celebrations and holidays.
But the variety s.Systemauswahl alone makes me a headache.
Since I already had over 15 years of movies, Video8, Digital8, DV and MINI, and now maybe even a 4th System?
I believe the tape still has the advantage it can be for a long time to archive, and with which comprises nine HDV tape again, you better quality, compared with the Mini DV.
Who can help me?
Antwort von hergerger:

what is the question?
What is HDV? new system? what cam? new tapes better?
Antwort von Cammovie08:
what is the question?
What is HDV? new system? what cam? new tapes better? Would like to know whether HDV is a mature system, and how much it is better than Mini DV.
Is there maybe was better (Hobby area) as HDV?
There are several questions, but I think you can certainly help me.
Antwort von Markus:
Would like to know whether HDV is a mature system ...? I would say it's not perfect, but within the framework of technical specifications mature.
... and how much it is better than Mini DV. Advantage: " Up to 4x Picture Resolutionals higher standard - DV
Disadvantages: " Image-groups instead of single compression
" The sound is compressed
DC g
eblieben: " 4:2:0-Farbsampling
" MiniDV tape as recording medium
Is there maybe was better (Hobby area) as HDV? HDV is a consumer format. Something better is always, but the question is synonymous stop, how much money someone wants to spend.
Antwort von WoWu:

Clearly there is something better ...
MPEG4 -H.264/AVC, of the company synonymous AVCHD briefly mentioned the development of the underlying HDV MPEG-2 format.
About the difference is here in the forum already been discussed extensively.
In addition, it is probably no real innovations for HDV more.
Antwort von hergerger:

Well, because the question is really whether AVCHD is better than HDV ...
Canon, there are at least as of April, the new HV30 and the advantage of holding the HDV is not as computationally intensive.
Antwort von Markus:
... the advantage is holding the HDV is not as computationally intensive. What raises the question (@ Cammovie08), what with "better than DV" is?
Antwort von WoWu:

Well, Mark, but there is no DV ...
Is there maybe was better (Hobby area) as HDV? ... and AVC (MPEG4) happens to be the improvement of MPEG2. I think it probably does not need more discussion ..
Antwort von Markus (unangemeldet):
Well, Mark, but there is no DV ... Right.
There's MiniDV. ;-)
Antwort von WoWu:

You must have been to read next thread ...
Antwort von Cammovie08:

Thank you!
for quick and numerous responses.
I liebäugle with the Sonycam HDR-HC9, should s.Feb. come on the market. Cam was already tested?
Is this format for software problems?
If the HDV format 4x higher resolution picture, I think purely arithmetically ca.15min fit on a DVD? Right?
Antwort von WoWu:

Well, Stephen, as you will with 'its not really what DVD are ... which should then have either an HD-DVD or BlueR be.
Antwort von hergerger:

And Vorraussicht after all, nothing is being synonymous with the HD-DVD.
Antwort von WoWu:

Jau, which looks like from then ..
Antwort von Jan:

The HDV MPEG-2 transport stream to a DVD burn, probably in many cases, not so much bring - can not a normal DVD player & recorder or Bluerayplayer read.
MTS into a file with MPEG 4 and H.264 make on a normal DVD burn - but it is already possible - which could get 15-20 min. There are so synonymous with the AVCHD camcorder normal DVD (Panasonic DX & SonyUX models), which use an 8 cm DVD. With high-resolution material recorded on a Blueraygerät, like the Playstation 3, high-resolution playback. I've had times with a Panasonic DX 1 made.
For HC 9, we had already "rumgesponnen":
differing-hdr-sony-and-HC7E hdr-hc9e Now, I must caution, is Wolfgang punish me, MPEG 4 H264 is not always AVCHD, Samsung VP HMX 10 C is synonymous with MPEG 4 H.264, 12 Mbit / sec AVCHD but is not that the files are incompatible with each other , I think they even have different endings. Sony & Pan have in the recent models MTS files M2TS gabs ja synonymous times. Samsung works OK with 720 P.
Antwort von WoWu:

Hi Jan .. quite the contrary, you're one of the few that are super clean and can differentiate ... because AVCHD is actually only a few forms with H.264 to do.
That is why I warn against such always synonymous boards, as of AVCHD. Org published .... This is advertising and has only s.Rand with H.264 to do.
Even Canon is not necessarily with the Sony name Pana AVCHD to do, but with the h.264AVC standard.
And if 12 Mbit with Samsung 720p works, then heist that does not mean that they are not with the standard compliant .... in any case more than their AVCHD with MPEG 2 Layer AVCHD in 1440 because this has nothing, nothing at all but synonymous with H.264 to do.
So Jan, you see, it is quite simple and explains everything organically.
Antwort von studio tre:
... and AVC (MPEG4) happens to be the improvement of MPEG2. I think it probably does not need more discussion .. ... is the "advancement" of MPEG 2 - if there is a "improvement" is, I will leave open times. Improvements for me are always synonymous with "facilitation" and connected due to the much higher compression will, of course, the Recording s.den following workflow significantly higher demands and that is what the "amateur filmmakers" quickly lust can s.Hobby letting.
With HD tape recording may in many cases, the existing "neighborhood" should be maintained.
At the moment still very clear: "Pro tape"
If you still can wait 2 years, then AVC.
Antwort von studio tre:

If vitamin pills are better than real fruit are synonymous then the format of the next true step forward.
Antwort von WoWu:

On these issues there are already several Topics, synonymous of people who already work ... or any practice, the anonymous guests look back? We all like to hear stories ... e
Antwort von Cammovie08:

Perhaps I'm old-fashioned medium with the tape, but what I took, I can archive them.
If only s.meine early years of Filmerei think what da gabs in the hobby for a scrap s.Videomixer, and now you can with a PC and an ordinary program, the old movies new to live.
Now relating to AVCHD: How I rauslese from your reports is there tends to be Festplattencam.
I have the same time a question of how you store your movies, without any great loss?
Because on the DVD issue is a great medium, but if you're unlucky
you can quickly copy everything new.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Cammovie08
Hello ...
However, there is a more than significant difference between film and tape ... today and what you do with the shooting, you could not if it would have been tapes.
And if your question about the storage media as easy to answer, then there would be no extensive studies relating to "the digital dilemma."
I store my archive on HD, because I synonymous in a few years, the data still get down. Whether I will still get a tape in which the video head still is not oxidized, and I do not know whether the particles of the tapes then so are that the noise "wide has made," I do not synonymous. In addition, the data that I then synonymous in any codec can store and not only in that the tape-(device)-vendor purports me.
And I think there is not synonymous for real panacea. Those who would, could earn so much money, because the major synonymous archives looking for a solution. Would it be the band, it would have been made with safety.
Therefore, I think you have one for you to find suitable solution.
Welcome to the "digital dilemma."
Antwort von studio tre:
@ Cammovie08
Hello ...
... In addition, the data that I then synonymous in any codec can store and not only in that the tape-(device)-vendor purports me.
... I do not understand - if I am with a Canon HDV camcorder tape examples, but I can and rausnehmen such as on a Sony HDV playback device - does not it?
If I do my film on a hard drive device, can I change the data is not easily to a hard disk device from another manufacturer to copy and then play - or a AVC file onto the chip a Sony device on a Panasonic AVC playback device is just as much. So here and tell nothing of "diversity codec. These are theoretical factors affecting the "ordinary filmmaker" did not relate. For one: simply record and edit simple easy to archive ... and up to AVC devices s.der body 3x "easy" is still just goes for a while.
Antwort von WoWu:

Well, anonymous visitors ... Then ask yourself first slightly more accurate ...
Antwort von studio tre:

@ Cammovie08
I prefer neither a thing nor the other format.
It is synonymous light his own opinion.
The best way to do this is a per contra table.
Initially, no new Cam and buy the network after the demo files Camtype scan.
These files with the application of your choice and test it quickly becomes clear what remains.
The statements made here for Pro AVCHD agree only in part and lot to HDV respectively. HD Mpeg2 is a pro AVCHD advertising is not recoverable.
False is the first tape is s.aussterben. False is synonymous to the HDV tape works (see the HD7 and HD3)
The fact is that the handling of the AVCHD cams is simple, qualitatively, it is certainly no better at the moment.
The question is how long the expression MOMENT holds but only for the time of purchase applies.
The best example is the Canon HV20 Of ... still unmatched in the Bildqualli write the most. This is the sound on the chuck.
Processing: AVCHD is a maximum for the news editors to use as it is currently NO software gives the AVCHD material on multiple video tracks in RT with full quality control permits.
Now the question is still where it goes out, what do I do with my material
Plattenbasierenden content?
on what basis? h264AVC? VC1? Mpeg2HD?
Finally ... how long is this material used? even died from it? what is really extinct? Why must everything always be extinct?
DivX accepts even the world and when there is the first YouTube-enabled 42 "plasma because the user does not see sense in terms of quality.
Antwort von Jan:

In the consumer class is HDV with great certainty to die waiting for it. Sony is very closely the development of the new HC 9 monitor, why were there 2007 - 2 models (HC 5 & 7) and now only a current consumer HDV?
Canon is with great certainty a little longer stay in HDV, the HV 20 has in recent months to work well, look like the HV 30 is adopted.
The SonySR 5.7 and 8 (AVCHD hard drive) models have Panasonic mercilessly added overhead Sales Figures 2007 - against downturns Sony HDV models HC 5 & 7 from the right (Panasonic and Sony Perform at the moment a private war for the consumer market domination - almost on a par), Panasonic wants to now with all the power with their first AVCHD hard drive HS 9 counter. It is not easy, you can believe what you want, I think the new AVCHD SonyHDD SR 10.11 and 12 will be 2008 on the market run Sonyhat violently reingepackt lot of new technology.
Yes these are all the Schnittfaulen film - but they are merciless in the majority. I think that not much more than 10% correct DV editing operation, the majority dubbed s.PC only, and use the supplied software for a simple trim function and create an SD DVD or 1080 - that can now really all AVCHD cameras or better their supplied software.
JVC HD 3 & 7 = HDV Camera - that is synonymous not quite true, there JVC HDV via firewire a similar power, so synonymous has an MPEG 2 transport stream, they do not like HDV with 25 MBit / sec consistently on.
This is shown by the synonymous JVC Data (HD 7):
FHD (1.920x1.080i, 26.6 Mbps) / SP (1.440x1.080i, 19 Mbps) / 1440CBR (1.440x1.080i, 27 Mbps data rate constant)
I do not want Klugscheißer, ok JVC has had a good idea, the majority may have to play via USB. The cut to the joyful aufgenommenene stream via Firewire, which is then compared to 99% with 1080i HDV is.
Na no preference JVC will the trend continue, the HD 4 and 5 are on the way - now I Mist veraten it ...
Although it is not all compatible, but my Panasonic! DX 1 AVCHD DVD data, I can easily to a Sony! Playstation 3 and play without the high margins.
Antwort von studio tre:

Antwort von studio tre:

Hi Jan, HD4 but not 5 and 6 and in 1080/60p pfui about 1 months before I was even more than the gurus IDI stamped when I said that this comes. Thank God in Mpeg2HD.
It did not synonymous HDV and whose certification but rather the statement that not all Mpeg2 Hd Cams based on tape recorded.
The whole in AVCHD requires so no HW Coder board with the same data a Quad Octal PC * gg
Oh, and they s.die new prosumer Soni with Exchangable alla optics rely on hybrid technology? BAND and the map and in Mpeg2HD undundundund Harner even the EX1 to the leg crazy world.
No, the tape is not s.sterben at least not in time to the appropriate hardware environments are available, thus it is absolutely no preference. A drive to process these tapes will be in the next 10years give. BTW, D8 of Cams Are Sony's still there.
Antwort von WoWu:

..... You hear the oracles of the anonymous who do not trust their names to their prophecies, because they may soon return to their forecasts could be addressed?
And you have the read of the faithful, who in his naivete nor s.die 10-year spare parts promises the company believes .... but this proves that Sony and Panas still have disciples.
But the thread slips me now from the fact-driven corner away again into the faith ...
ich bin dann mal raus ...
Antwort von studio tre:
..... You hear the oracles of the anonymous who do not trust their names to their prophecies, because they may soon return to their forecasts could be addressed?
And you have the read of the faithful, who in his naivete nor s.die 10-year spare parts promises the company believes .... but this proves that Sony and Panas still have disciples.
But the thread slips me now from the fact-driven corner away again into the faith ...
ich bin dann mal raus ... As a guest with the contribution as a justification for severance will do well in the dark forever, but so be it.
Antwort von studio tre:

I do not understand - if I am with a Canon HDV camcorder tape examples, but I can and rausnehmen such as on a Sony HDV playback device - does not it?
If I do my film on a hard drive device, can I change the data is not easily to a hard disk device from another manufacturer to copy and then play - or a AVC file onto the chip a Sony device on a Panasonic AVC playback device is just as much. So here and tell nothing of "diversity codec. These are theoretical factors affecting the "ordinary filmmaker" did not relate. For one: simply record and edit simple easy to archive ... and up to AVC devices s.der body 3x "easy" is still just goes for a while. Wow, I can only marvel ...
The fact is that AVCHD is stored as a file. This File I can not, of course, in the camera, but as they transfer to an external hard drive. From there I can every few years on and play it if necessary in a sustainable format convert.
On a tape I always hang them from, that I still synonymous in the future, a functioning camera was handy. Then leave me not. Or can anyone here still 3,5 inch floppy or Zip discs? I no longer work. My old but still running hard, or have been long on hard disks on newer plays.
And what are the simple workflow: The files I transfer my HG10 in the first original on an external hard drive and save them there. To edit, I invite them into Final Cut Express 4, where auto in a format that is on my MacBook Pro can edit very relaxed. And one day be synonymous sure the original files without conversion processed ...
tape was previously (miniDV) ok. With HDV, there are, unfortunately, the drop-out problem, the whole series of individual images and associated sound covers. Recording on hard drive or chip has these problems and is not otherwise synonymous much casual. However, currently the AVCHD codec is not yet optimal. But for home use, I think the difference is acceptable.
Antwort von Jan:

Even if you do not know, I was too busy in the shop, and know their numbers synonymous.
In the shop are a few more editing HDV enjoy it, that's true, the rate for HDV is higher than in the electronics chains, no preference whom you now want to move the cocoa. In the shop are synonymous but unfortunately enough chatterer there, so people are advised to Stündenlang then still can not buy.
Now, the electronics chains, it may be synonymous times like the others mentioned - Euronics & Promarkt uva distance with the best sales figures, there are a few shops thriving in the big cities - but belong to the minority. Many smaller shops are fighting for their lives, and therefore, their sales figures.
HDV is at least in the consumer class (ie up to about ¬ 1500) is clearly behind AVCHD (Deutschlandgesammtverkaufszahlen), the Canon may be different, because there AVCHD still quite bad starts - even in the electronics chains. The great success of the AGM 20, I had not doubted, it is synonymous well the cameras are there - with which you now with smaller resources can edit well.
The New Sony HDV professional cameras & Semi rausgebracht has had me amazed na look like so that it runs.
But the tape is still not long survive, who at times is synonymous to me was to remember how strongly I advise against DVD camcorder, very often a MiniDV. So I have nothing against the resistant MiniDV cassette, movies yourself with SonyPC 120, FX 7 & PD 170, previously synonymous with JVC, Canon and Panasonic models.
Here, however, the mass gain, which want a relatively future-proof codec and bitstream, at a favorable, stable medium - that is, on a flash memory cartridge None. The current models are cartridge with only an interim solution for the experienced old cutter so for you. You will be the Wheel of Time can not turn back, synonymous if their moment in the score quite a few did.
The computer world will continue to improve, making it affordable & 2009 operating systems really is that good can edit H.264. The software company will continue to improve.
Canopus has as one of the first show with the limited resources with HD material already what is possible (Canopus HQ codec)
, Sonyhat Vegas 8 synonymous with an interesting product for H.264 presented, it will soon be synonymous affordable NLE get out.
@ Guest 2 - JVC HD 5 & 6 - may be yes, because I had possibly a number Dreher, JVC was on the exact release Europe is not yet secure.
Antwort von studio tre:

I always read one day it may be, it will come to the calculator can be ... At the moment I go through Intermediate etc.
Chip tape is certainly not. Could the recently read one of dubbing, I think Cam Speicherbasierender his entire Project over Jordan has sent .. Forgot Verrify Card SD Card deleted .. because abgeraucht LOOK forget to put out the shaft has been pulled.
Even with tape recording, it will be copied to disk as synonymous with card-based cams. These statements are all statements of the so-slightly untenable, these are the door not to go. What is the when the camcorder is over? Well I take a different or an HDV player. What is important, I can edit it without the monkey grip.
No AVCHD editing as we are of Mpeg2 and DV Mpeg2HD know is not possible. And one that creates a quad does not create the Octal not synonymous, at least not in the foreseeable future.
Antwort von Jan:

The 9 years with the spare parts was perhaps earlier times, but it is very dangerous. Yes a MiniDV tape, it will still give. 1993 in my teaching, there were 8 mm & Hi 8, (S) VHS and (S) VHS-C cameras, the tapes are still available, partly synonymous in various lengths and band qualities.
It can be synonymous but otherwise go to an example from the recent past of the digital world.
Ca s.1996 & 1997, the Smart Media flash memory often used until at least still many Olympus and Fuji cameras. The two companies brought 2002 a new card out - the XD card.
Subsequently, the SmartMedia card from the complete range rausgenommen, nowadays you can get the card only at Ebay, on a gray 128 MB for 50 ¬ good wishes. That was synonymous before 1-2 years, 2 years ago, there were scattered companies, which for this card about 30 ¬ synonymous wanted.
So a customer with a Camera with Built in 2001/2002 with a SmartMedia card to own, it is violently aufgeschmissen - and the synonymous already 5 years afterwards.
The current XD card will experience the same fate, Fuji has been some time Doppelslot with SD Card, Olympus 2008 cameras brings with XD card out (because they have a winning look with the sale of XD cards), but look what In 2009, ...
As even a cheap SD card like the Panasonic SDM 2 GB (Class 4) at the same speed or faster (as an H-High Speed XD Card), much cheaper is it synonymous choice 4 GB and more, thanks to an SD card the controller is not used as quickly broken can go like a XD card (eg card reader), it is a clear advantage. Since synonymous helps to better address a XD card is not much to them as equivalent shall be added.
It can always happen a lot ...
Antwort von babalu:
I always read one day it may be, it will come to the calculator can be ... At the moment I go through Intermediate etc.
Chip tape is certainly not. Could the recently read one of dubbing, I think Cam Speicherbasierender his entire Project over Jordan has sent .. Forgot Verrify Card SD Card deleted .. because abgeraucht LOOK forget to put out the shaft has been pulled.
Even with tape recording, it will be copied to disk as synonymous with card-based cams. These statements are all statements of the so-slightly untenable, these are the door not to go. What is the when the camcorder is over? Well I take a different or an HDV player. What is important, I can edit it without the monkey grip.
No AVCHD editing as we are of Mpeg2 and DV Mpeg2HD know is not possible. And one that creates a quad does not create the Octal not synonymous, at least not in the foreseeable future. When I started with miniDV, my laptop was synonymous only a trace during capture process and could not run other software. Today it's no longer an issue. So it is synonymous with the AVCHD. And who is to dumb, can destroy any recording, no preference on which medium.
Antwort von babalu:
The 9 years with the spare parts was perhaps earlier times, ... I think that there are clear legal basics, right?
Theme tape / card and "images off" ---->
Antwort von babalu:

Hi Jan and guests, and you have already written and just confirmed what I have written above.
What people have rhythm today at Cam. buy? Max 4-5 years as these parts almost become disposable product. At that time, the good DV Cams 3000Mark up and tasted today? A HV20 costs ~ 700 euros and has a quality that many awesome Proficams must tilt the head. Positive thing is that I hold the material and can be cut without problems in matching the performance and for the next 5 years.
In any case, you have the right of ordinary consumers to sales figures and thus requires the turnover of the company represents. Do I as a normal user into thinking style of the lemming cliff jump to say anything immediately have to buy because as THE guru section presents? Surely not because the processing of the material still Calculator before any unsolvable tasks, which from the view of the calculated performance index synonymous in the near future so will be ..
The statement, well then supplies me with a Proxischnitt or intermediate files is to say the consent I lie in my own pocket feature because why should I when a new purchase in the purchase take?
Antwort von babalu:

Time relating to Smart Media.
These cards have been extremely error prone and not particularly popular. This is the MiniDV tape is very different, especially since this is already longer are synonymous.
I think that is synonymous in 10 years MiniDV tapes still exist. Even if it just so as it is today with the VHS-C cassettes is.
Gruß Richard
Antwort von babalu:

There are statutory synonymous Basics for the maximum speed in places ..
On the issue of shelf-DV tapes
Antwort von babalu:
There are statutory synonymous Basics for the maximum speed in places ..
On the issue of shelf-DV tapes no idea what the forum you want to say sorry
Antwort von DeeZiD:
There are statutory synonymous Basics for the maximum speed in places ..
Exactly - and if you do not and will be caught, then it costs money!
Antwort von Cammovie08:

and thanks s.alle contributor!
On the topic of tape, I can only say that my tapes Video8, Digital8 all funktionieren.Es have become synonymous already 17 years ago, I started with the Filmerei.
What synonymous with specialty vendors in the counts are the sales figures, it is no matter what it is for a Cam. Some devices still attracts synonymous
Premium for the seller.
With the question whether HDV or Festplattencam make me with your contributions are not just simple.
AVCHD me makes editing and archiving concern.
Antwort von Jan:

I must say one more thing, many sellers (especially in the stores) HDV even recommend - as I synonymous. If you notice, however, the customer does not want to edit, wants a small model (Flash memory), or will last forever long record (hard drive), definitely has the old cartridge with a problem, despite many advantages (and that's very often) -- then you the customer go through the cloth, and without the camera leaving the store. You're in the right - but not a turnover. If this happens often - you will not be there forever busy ...
And as bad AVCHD cameras are not, one should the customer in the models is essential before asking "how strongly they want, they want to edit or even post-process?"
The masses want to stop no viewfinders, no microphone input, no headphone output, it should not be connected to other things (head light) - it is only easy to use, good pictures shown, and little work - which is why most people will edit their video to be .
The seller usually get no bonuses (markets) or money for sold cameras (some shops), it might be more money for a shop keepers give, but that is the exception. Ok, a seller often sells what he himself is convinced.
Antwort von Cammovie08:

Hallo Jan,
möcht not the seller guild on its feet occur.
Unfortunately I always feel if you Gespäch goes into detail about playing with the vocabulary which you can not give appropriate answers to the questions.
Especially in the software, you get the same answer on what it can see the packaging.
Unfortunately I need over the past several years, Cams, because after the guarantee contains a new acquisition for Rep. Cam was just as expensive.
A few technical questions I had as yet what bothers me more than the pumps of the auto, there are the new better?
Farbrausch at dusk or poor weather.
Antwort von Jan:

It depends on the model, it can not say a flat rate.
If I as DM s.die Canon XM 2 & XL 1 remember, there is the pump already present, but you can change the AF of 20 HV less easily get into problems. But if you claim, you should stop in situations schwiergigen go to MF. Weak Contrast & darker environment may actually almost no Camera.
I've even Lieblingsprosumer SonyDSR with PD 170 times the AF dringelassen, and he is in the middle of turning away. Since almost always MF.
The noise can be so or so, so many in such a company has aggressive anti-noise filter, the noise is much improved, but a multitude of details "away" is.
DSR PD 170 is very light zb Stark, but more than 6 dB gain for high demands is hardly possible. The HDV FX zb 7 is clearly lichtschwächer, make it synonymous but more than 6 dB gain from not much, you may be synonymous to 12 - that is s.neuen CMOS.
HV 20 - is so lala at Noise, Panasonic makes it a little better - like the old SD 1 (synonymous for its 3x 1 / 4 "CCDs) - the discipline is pretty good. SonySR 5 is similar to HR 20, SR 7 & 8 a bit better. That was synonymous of the laboratory test of Video Active.
SW? Since I must now admit (here synonymous've already done many times) - is synonymous not my area of expertise, synonymous because I do not have good calculator. I have friends for some editors. So the most important basic knowledge but I know, but little detailed knowledge SW. But most stores have a synonymous SW Spezi.
Antwort von wolfgang:

So I would not go so far as to say that good HDV devices necessarily of the current AVCHD devices are replaced. Still it is not so far, we still have no AVCHD devices, in the 3000 Euro price class vorgedrungen would. It may be that sometime this coming - but when, then maybe more with AVC-i, and not with today's AVCHD formats - in the post-halt as the infinitely more difficult than the current HDV material.
Synonymous, I think the discussion about what is "better" is totally wrong. Just what is "better" is, depends on the scale ranging from. For the native post is the same as HDV is better than AVCHD. If you absolutely want to film on memory cards, which will halt, however, usually take AVCHD. The truth lies in the eye of the beholder (and occasionally does there really hurt ...).
Important times it would be more likely to know what the thread starter is really important.
Antwort von Cammovie08:

I can already see the issue with HDV? I have a topic in the forum asked.
One sees pro and contra between HDV and AVCHD.
In all, the recording format 16:9 enforced.
Can I use the 16:9 synonymous the DVD player play?
Mir is still a shower when I get a DVD purchase, I still have full control mode in the Picture, and then in the film come thick bars.
Kann mir da jemand give a hint?
Antwort von der henne:

Tip: Either the Picture in the setup menu of the player to adjust, and fit a 16:9 television buy, then the black bars are gone. [/ Quote]
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
The masses want to stop no viewfinders, no microphone input, no headphone output, it should not be connected to other things (head light) -- Yes, the falls are always
behind only one. Then drag them for a quarter of the Camera in the shop and scream after conversion.
How to get to this time still an exchange-how to write I'm not on (it is simply synonymous illegal), but the cost of the dealer and manufacturer should not be without. The pay we all, especially the inhibition of such actions is always less synonymous.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von wolfgang:

One sees pro and contra between HDV and AVCHD.
No, we should rather the pros and cons of each format recognize. Where the topic has long since completely ausgelutscht, since there are already practical Kaufberatung exactly relating to "AVCHD versus HDV.
Antwort von Jan:

@ Andy - no, but that is not so.
The customers do not want to - and this is very often the case.
I voted yes because the head lights.
Today once again the best example, a customer purchased SonyHC comes with 7 in the store - the picture is too dark and noisy, but I have 2x 40 watt bulbs in the room - what is going on?
Then you explain the fact that HD is often a bit eh rauschanfälliger is because the higher Resolutiongeschafft be, and the sensors are, unfortunately, rarely larger (except SonyEX 1).
Ok, then show you the first lights, we start s.beim small LED light - no that is not, color is completely beside lamp and so I do not even the first few meters from well - however small it is.
Ok number 2 - HVL 10 nH - practically with Batteries Batteries & operated 10 watt light, - the customer "Ne me this is much too big, I will not. Since my HC 7 looks like it from the Enterprise.
Then I need Pagelight with C 6 & Panther Romy 75 does not continue, although for a HC 7 eh not so good match, a track must be her ...
It may be that some customers in the shop are reasonable, and for good pictures and want to have to understand the accessories needed.
But now it is time to ask, there are those customers have a good choice?
LED lamps are often scrap
- Hama's 30 watt bulb needs a serious old to 6 V Battery Operation
- DC 3000 Unomat lamp is bright, but you can not dim
- Sony HVL 10 nH - is quite in order for a consumer - a lot of my customers, but too big
- About the original Sony3 watt lamp on AIS I say nothing now
So then comes Pagelight C 6 and Panther Romy 75 - for many consumer too expensive & great, then we must not synonymous talking about next Bebob Lux, etc.
Most amateur users to really give that they have never used viewfinders, just like an external microphone is too cumbersome, and
the Headphones for the Tonkontrolle eh not to be used.
Today's customers really want - easy to use, easy to use, easy to use, I am looking for a camera which has a good automatic transmission - where I have nothing to worry about.
The award easy to use and good comes of automatic provides 80% of my customers ....
Users like us (yes, I always use the viewfinders, have almost always an external Microphone,'ve always Headphones included) are clearly in the minority, s.der Henkelmann category most people watch on.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Definitely, this is a minority - and that is stop the few percent of the "After Arranger", the value on things such as viewfinders and lay the controls. The mainstream is AVCHD with automatic stop device to try his luck.
It's whether you want to include and mag. We are slow so far, with AVC of a 3000 euro hole "to speak - because the industry's customer base of gehobeneren the filmmakers with the right parameters to be able to halt at the moment not very good response. Today's AVCHD devices are nothing for this district, ala EX1 devices are simply too expensive - this group will tend to HDV device, at least at the moment. It will be interesting to see how the industry will respond to.
Antwort von Cammovie08:

I own an LCD TV, which is with the YUV cable, DVD-TV.
I'm already in the setup from the DVD went inside but without success.
Gibs synonymous actually a demo movie HDV, or AVCHD for comparative?
For customers the only one without a lot of Cam want to make, I would have given a hint that SonyDCR-HC27.
Has no accessory shoe, only the main connections and nothing more.
The cam I bought last year, after my better Rep. Cam the cost (200 ¬) more expensive as new acquisitions.
Since we would be synonymous on the issue again disposable products.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
We are slow so far, with AVC of a 3000 euro hole "to speak just like in real life: class and upper class, the middle class dies out.
I will therefore FX1 still retain as long as it is beautiful and she always treated with care. Who knows, maybe in ten years, gets something like the P SonyHDW 750 times in the Prosumerklasse :-) would be nice ...
BG, Andreas
Antwort von kroko:

Can probably only with a completely new format, such as about 4K.
For 2K-HDV were still all Sony technicians and fully inspired by the classic FX1 and the HC1 shortly thereafter constructed and then came a long time to slow the successor of the Canon A1 with a marginal improvement in image quality.
But WoWu promises so much AVCHD dignified in a very short time, mal sehn ..........
Antwort von WoWu:

In all objectivity ... I can think of 4k in the semi-professional use with the best will not really imagine, once the question of the meaning quite apart ... and tell yourself, there is a real alternative?
Perhaps AVC-I .... all the advantages of the format and a simple cuttable .... that's it ...
But, as you say ... mal sehn.
Yes I am quite at the upcoming NAB, because the questions asked as well here, just because the company that the answers are not guilty (be) because decisions dranhängen format.
We should just all over the left face.
Antwort von Axel:
In all objectivity ... I can think of 4k in the semi-professional use with the best will not really imagine, once the question of the meaning quite apart ... and tell yourself, there is a real alternative? I believe that the German cinema are facing the most serious mistake in its history by the "digital rollout" (so called internal branch of the planned switch to digital movies) on 2k technique, because it is less than 4k. The taxpayers, whether they know it or not, these huge misjudgment support. A Scope-Picture 2k has only 800 square pixels vertical resolution, and before the changeover takes place, there are many living rooms in devices which toppen.
Movies have never been famous for superior image quality, since the introduction of the DVD exceeds the effective resolution (which is the focus pixel is calculated, not from the absolute number) at home in the movies much.
With 4k would be the lead back, as with conventional film and VHS was given. The answer would be sometime the Introduction of Consumer 4k cameras.
The sense of a higher resolution? At VHS, we recognize all the details on it for the interpretation of an image arrives. It seems an aesthetic difference to make. But "beautiful" images you will get used to flat, and so will be very soon, HD, nothing special anymore.
Do we prefer not so much wind around a bit more sharpness, and we will prefer to the question of how well or poorly a format we can edit, and the fact that this gives us the freedom, the creative possibilities auszureizen next -
or ever so begin. As I wrote many older threads, it has been seen forming linguistically Super 8, where only worse. The preliminary low point is HD.
Antwort von wolfgang:

The cinemas are not so much a choice, if they are to survive. Even my daughter drags me in films - and especially with the leading advertising program was on the large size image of something bad that this was already a deterrent. The main movies are better - but when times daheim a 50-inch with full HD is I ask myself what I should go to the movies.
Admissions are - like so much - has become expensive. We treat the usual stuff like drink and popcorn, and one expects the cards to get for a 3-member family is not less than 40 euros - so there's no home theater unattractive.
If no more than offer, which could actually collect the highest resolution in the living room more cost visitor flows. Whether the investment account but can add up, I do not know - so I was not busy, is not my decision.
Antwort von Axel:
... but when times daheim a 50-inch with full HD is I ask myself what I should go to the movies. As for movies, after all, movies are made, until now, the DVD and TV still evaluating s.zweiter and third place, if not profit-related, at least temporally. The quality of the films of the early s.darauf eyed, in the DVD rental / sell their coal to make, shows where the caravan moves.
Admissions are - like so much - has become expensive. We treat the usual stuff like drink and popcorn, and one expects the cards to get for a 3-member family is not less than 40 euros - so there's no home theater unattractive. That is cheap. In a multiplex of a metropolis kommst du da inc Parkhaus, lengths and digital boxes out with no surcharge. As for the technical quality of the performance is concerned, the shot Volker Schlöndorff Eigentor par. The filming of "The Päpstin" by him failed because he refused, one of several television version in parallel with the movie version might be envisaged (the Broadcasters Mitproduzenten), details
here, with the argument that he nunmal for producing movies. In an interview with
Focus on film, he replied when asked when
he last was in the movies, he had improved in recent years, the only other movies on DVD views ...
Last Stand is that now the Söhnke Wortmann Directing over.
Antwort von Cammovie08:

But it's more comfortable on the sofa cinema.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Expensive go (almost) always, Axel. Perhaps synonymous sinds 50 euros - which are obviously from what you all still want to consume. And there is at least in Vienna - if you already are allowed as a metropolis? - In most cases is that the parking tickets for up to 4 hours in the cinema tickets are included.
Sure is a film not like the bail daheim cinema - but once on Blu Ray discs are available, the quality is probably not a bad synonymous. It costs 30 euros but synonymous.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
It costs 30 euros but synonymous. ... for an unlimited number s.Vorführungen. I would now be no cinema operators, will survive if all the big faceless chains; maybe one or two niche cinema.
My favorite movie outside Kiel synonymous with cancer for many years before it is out. The people it attracts strangely synonymous in the chain cinemas, just why?
As an example, "Der Untergang" (predecessor of Moers' Bonker) started already a week, visitors to the local Cinemaxx still have tickets gekloppt (and around the parking lot for 8 euros ...); loose in the small movies were exactly three visitors, despite free (!) Parking, cola and popcorn 1 / 3 cheaper ...
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Giagl:

As an example, "Der Untergang" (predecessor of Moers' Bonker) started already a week, visitors to the local Cinemaxx still have tickets gekloppt (and around the parking lot for 8 euros ...); loose in the small movies were exactly three visitors, despite free (!) Parking, cola and popcorn 1 / 3 cheaper ...
BG, Andreas Ich geh synonymous only to the movies if there is a canvas so outrageously big that not even view it as an LG LCD Television would build!
Before going into such a small movie, go kuck then I would rather be home. Is synonymous small and three people warring I still synonymous together.
Antwort von wolfgang:

We are talking about very personal preference - if someone goes to the movies or not is something in my eyes.
What you should still take into account, the possibility today in the home easier and cheaper than ever to a small home theater design. Beamer, a medium-sized canvas, and you can enjoy even better at home than on the average LCDs bail the cinema. The cost of sowas sind halt synonymous decreased, depending on the claims. But in any case, you as the HD (V) Resolutionauch perfectly, whether the purchase of Blu Ray discs or HD-private material.