Frage von Niklas_Hamburg:Hi folks,
I am currently looking for a new HDV camcorder. Since I do not really have very much money, it should be possible under 1000 ¬ lie. I got my camcorder schonmal the database of Slashcam viewed, purely emotionally and tend to either the Canon HV20 or HV10.
What do you about this, and there are good other devices?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Antwort von Nacho:
Is not that already the xte thread on the subject?
Antwort von Sten:
Hello Niklas_Hamburg,
look in the thread:
HV20, Unklarheiten, Kameralook vs.Qualität
(er ist ziemlich oft in der linken spalte zu finden)
Da führen wir grade eine Diskussion über HV20 and derer Qualität.
Edit from Mod:
Contribution, so that it is synonymous in a year is easy to recover.