Frage von siegpes:
hallo leute!
my pc:
Motherboard ASUS P5LD2 Deluxe
Intel D 940 + 3.2 GHz Processor
Kingston 2GB Memory DDR2 533
2 Western Digital SATA2 hard disks 320GB each with 16MB cache each system disk Western Digital Raptor 10,000 with 36 GB
CLUB-3D Radeon X800RX 256MB GDDR3 CRT / TV / DVI AG (HDV)
OS: Windows XP x64 with the latest updates
Video Editing: Sony Vegas 6d
Camera: SonyHDR-FX1
now I have some s.Filmmaterial (HDV) and those of sony vegas 6c transferred to my pc via firewire! materiel that explosives can be anscheuen perfectly with one player! m2t format
Now mine problem!
If I import the material in vegas and want to cut so jerky and the transitions are very strong, I see überhauptnicht!
CPU utilization is around 55% if I want to look at the timeline of the cut film (synonymous with the transitions, the CPU utilization is equal to, say + -5%;)
s.was can lie or I can import m2t format in AdobePremiere irgenwie Pro 2.0? or must I convert it out! but how ??????
ask for help because this film is a gift for a friend.
Thank you.
lg siegpes
Antwort von Marco:

Check the project settings in Vegas first. There, the video properties should respect Resolution, Pixel Aspect Ratio. Refresh rate and field order match as closely as possible the type of video material. If in doubt helps the function of "Match Media Settings".
Then check the settings of the preview window. A setting of "Best (Full)" for example, actually is rarely needed, but a bad performance eater.
Use the Preview HDV better recruitment "preview (auto)" and the Preview window, drag a display size of 360x270 for example. That is a reference to my calculator, an Athlon X2 4,200 + with 1 GB Ram, HDV (1080/50i), the FX1 is absolutely played smoothly with 25 fps.
Moreover, in Vegas there is the possibility, HDV synonymous in the form of proxy or something small intermediates include better editing. The rendering of this may be made either via a batch render script or through one of the special tools such as HDV or CineForm Gearshift ConnectHD.
Fundamental to this forum you will find - a lot of discussion with a number of solution descriptions on /.
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Maybe something from stores Vegas with you on the system disk?
When the CPU is not the problem (see your% data), it is usually s.der / the plates. Because of you mentioned schznell should be enough, it could amount to a multiple access s.einem plates.
Antwort von San-ju hachi:

mal hallo thank you for your answer!
I just installed pinnacle studio 10 because they can import m2t files and I can make transitions Sieghe as much as I want! And it is not a bit jerky!
how can I in vegas synonymous force or how I can import the m2t file into premiere?
lg siegpes
Antwort von Marco:
"how can I force synonymous in vegas" I have up there - if it is possible for Vegas - already described: by the Project and to be optimized preview settings.
Nevertheless, the performance will probably lag behind behind Pinnacle's Studio. At least, that is) for Vegas 6 (and earlier versions.
In normal sections run 1080/50i. M2t files in Vegas with me around. If, however, are filter or fades on it, is achieved here with me no more fluid play. Then help me, only intermediates (or proxies).
Antwort von Nightfly!:
"how can I force synonymous in vegas"
I have up there - if it is possible for Vegas - already described: by the Project and to be optimized preview settings.
... Hello Marco!
siegpes but yes apparently not have performance problems with respect to the processor, or CPU utilization would be considerably higher.
Antwort von Marco:

On a dual core system would be CPU utilization with V6 synonymous with other (lower) clock speed is not higher.
The osMaßnahmen apply across in my experience.