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I voted yesterday in the snow, beautiful shots of rodeln gemacht!
Requirements: Did it just take note and the sky and other things a little Kreusel or is it a bit noisy!
How come?
Did it with a SonyHDR-FX7 and have rotated Premiere Pro cutter!
Is it s.der setting?
I would be pleased about your answer!
Jodel the landlord
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Maybe you do not get enough light turned on?
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Yesterday was radiant blue sky!
There was everything in the "liberal" rotated!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Is it s.der attitude? ... Hard to say since None except you know what you had set. Did you perhaps accidentally worked with Gain?
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I had no special settings are made s.der Camera!
On the Camera synonymous everything looks great, just aufm PC ... Well ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Perhaps it would be recording the course ND filter of advantage.
Leg time a gradient mask with Light Gray share.
Kreusselt the sky or is it more of a pump?
B. DeKid
Antwort von

It is a kreuseln!