Frage von dän:
I have before me soon a HV30 zuzulegen but need synonymous material in DV resolution. Since the camcorder does not seem so yes doll DV natively record, now my question would be how I use the HDV material with MVD 2008 Pros can count down.
PS: Had been a kind of "test" with full HD-Material of my hard drive made, so "Movie Settings" on 720x576 asked, imported video and click Customize button, but the material is still HD ....
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Since the camcorder does not seem so yes doll DV natively record, now my question would be how I use the HDV material with MVD 2008 Pros can count down ... You know that HDV HDV cameras in the rotated material already dubbing internal and convert in real time via firewire as DV s.den same computer can spend? That should be the easiest path.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Or by MPEGStreamclip freeware ...
Antwort von kkutte:

The easiest way is actually of the same in your DV camera via firewire to überspielen.Ich but you think the material is synonymous with HD panel on your want?
You have the HD movie in VDL as normal and then invite over to your desired Export Resolutionumrechnen lassen.Diesen MPG movie then you have a DV on the hard drive.
Antwort von dän:

Hey, thanks for the nice scnellen and helpful answers! One question still remains:
You know that HDV HDV cameras in the rotated material already dubbing internal and convert in real time via firewire as DV s.den same computer can spend? That should be the easiest path.
Gruß Bernd E. This means that the HV30 when you connect me with the PC via firewire asks: "Would you like to HDV or DV output" or something like that?
Antwort von jazzy_d:

So I knew absolutely not true, the reasons why I use my HDV to SD material as a hard drive should have. 1h HDV mpeg 1h SD and DV-AVI natively both need about 13GB on disk. And from war I HDV (often discussed here) are always better results than the SD in SD filmed or captured (with consumer devices).
So if already a HDV Cam is available, in HDV filming in HDV and cut s.Schluss when deciding whether to export HD (yes it can be synonymous 720/50p) or SD.
Can every Schnittproggi.
Antwort von dän:

For my site I need SD ..... HD to HD would be just (;
Antwort von JMS Productions:
For my site I need SD ..... HD to HD would be just (; It is absolutely no preference as to whether you have for your website need SD, or for Aunt Emma's old 1985 tube screen, etc PP.
Because I can only endorse the outposts:
If you are already in possession of an HDV camera are, then
you have movies in HD, transmit your material in HD on the PC, cut it in HD and
at the end when the movie is finished, you decide whether you finished the movie now in HD or in SD want to export ... Not even in SD quality on the PC. SD and HD is required for the same duration to the same disk. Yes, why not take the better?
Antwort von dän:

If you are already in possession of an HDV camera are, then you have movies in HD, transmit your material in HD on the PC, cut it in HD and at the end when the movie is finished, you decide whether you finished the movie now in HD or in SD want to export ...
When done, Sir. (-:
Antwort von Axel:
For my site I need SD ..... HD to HD would be just (; On
Antwort von dän:

You know (or Other (-:), how H.264 in VDL exported? Is this possible?
Antwort von Axel:

Please google for the following:
> MpegStreamclip is a fantastic, free video converter. He exported synonymous H.264, I do not know if you do not need QTPro. This is the first thing I would try.
> QuicktimePro is the "headquarters" as a QT H.264 codec is. So emergency update to the latest QT player and with "Register" on QTPro once owned. It costs 30 ¬.
> X.264 is an independent encoder, unlike H.264 renders very fast, but not quite as synonymous of high quality. It works without QTPro but synonymous.
On Vimeo there are a series of video tutorials to start how to make a movie with Windows Movie Maker cuts. I would look at, it's definitely a tip is what export settings you must choose to Vimeo.