Frage von Sybex:
had a small problem.
I have an HP Pavilion DV9000 notebook stand here before me with Vista Home. Edius can install, just not start. The Procoder works. Before running XP Pro here, has also not worked.
A 64-bit processor, there is but a 32bit Vista system on it.
I'm baffled. Zuwenig hardware?
Antwort von camworks:

Edius 4 is not vista certified. Edius 5 (brand new) already.
but may be synonymous, that other things interfere. it is no depth technical analysis ferndiagnostizieren bad.
I want to point to the refer.
Antwort von vaio:

Sybex Hello!
If the problem already existed under xp, it is perhaps s.fehlenden Admin rights.
Edius is under Vista (probably synonymous with xp) only with admin rights error-free start. Both Edius Neo, as synonymous Edius 5th Is with me at any rate so ...
Gruß Michael