Frage von recas:
Hello s.alle in the forum,
Did my Cs3 zugelegt.Nun häuffen many Fragen.Es would be nice if they are clarified.
The Cs3 recognize my Camera nicht.Wenn in camera settings I do this not with aufgeführt.Also suppose I andere.Bei back into the program, everything is gone.
Cs3 does not recognize the camera when I use the menu Recording.Wenn Male to Firewire out and put it back here sometimes.
When cut with Cs3 are different HD project setting s.Anfang mögich.ZB HD 1080 25 ...
What would be the Beste.Was since I set when I filmed in cinema format habe.Oder I can take any.
Antwort von egomane:

Is not against you personally, but it is surprising that in recent times as many questions of new CS3 owners are who apparently before they so much money for a collection program have spent, not with the product to have and synonymous otherwise little or no idea of the whole matter have. Since such an expensive product does not really entry-level software, and you, before such a sum of money spending, usually every program very closely and tests, begs me to suspect that there may be many users are in the Software does not legally have purchased ... and therefore not synonymous Manual have to look ....
For my part, I will address questions such as: "How do I create a new project in Premiere Pro CS3?" or "How do I import files into After Effects ?",... no (longer) answer. I have every edition of my software I have to work hard and must be given the Raubkopierern not play into the hands of ...
Nochmals explicitly directed not against the author of this thread, but is generally understood.
Antwort von recas:

Thanks for the information! Is it better if it is because of them raushalten.Die answer to my questions for me is synonymous nutzlos.Es there are other than they are something real kaufen.Schon times an update of what you heard? And it are synonymous nor the other "by talking about what absparren"
I got the HV20 of my 13.Gehalt and bought the same with the editing program 5.1
The last time I geschnitten.Und to 6.1 with CS3, there is already a Unterschied.Darum my questions.
Maybe I can still help the next.
Thank you
Antwort von Yann:

I can only agree because egomaniacs.
Who does not know such trifles, but should rather use Pinnacle or something
Antwort von recas:

I am already years Premiere.Bitte me ask some of which I have just asked durchlesen.Sie know -
Antwort von ewok2003:
Who does not know such trifles, but should rather use Pinnacle or something not with the product and employs synonymous otherwise have little or no idea of the whole matter have ... ... You know-! Like here on the question of Recas answer is, I personally think again cheek!
The occurrence of some user arrogant, I have such a concentrated form or in any other forum is experiencing.
I myself worked for many years synonymous with Adobe Premiere and a Canon XM2. Out again and did exactly synonymous this problem that the Canon does not recognize. Once inside and out Firewire and Adobe Premiere restart and then it went.
I want me in the next few days to buy the Canon HV30 and hope you a meaningful answer to the questions.
Antwort von stevenk:

great climate here in the forum!
Antwort von ewok2003:
great climate here in the forum! Richtig tolles climate!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Like here on the question of Recas answer is, I personally think again cheek!
Then please read it out
exactly the first response:
Is not against you personally, but it is surprising that in recent (...) Nochmals explicitly directed not against the author of this thread, but is generally understood. That was a fairly general statement and not a personal attack, and I have to say in addition, the same amazement at some of the questions I had already synonymous (eg, "someone can give me the tool to send me the link is not", etc. etc. etc.). Especially if the answers are in the manual.
The next reply was then:
Is it better if they are squabbling as followed of
exactly durchlesen.Sie know - although the response of egomaniacs do not concern him? Strangely, as an already comes from the saying right shoe in the sense.
Antwort von recas:

At egomaniacs:
Thanks for the response variable.
Antwort von ewok2003:
I would like to duel with you mentally, but I see that you are unarmed. The signature says it all.
Antwort von stevenk:

I am here in the forum synonymous registered, but would like to "anonymous" relating to what arrogance synonymous say:
For some time I have noticed that on questions of beginners video is fairly harsh reply. I am myself not so long s.Shooting but I try my experiences as a "User" next to give synonymous when a question has often been asked. This kind: "Are you stupid ... you can not first search in the forum ... You idiot and genius, I should be here but not to hold.
The experienced filmmakers can but synonymous to "old issues" and seemingly illogical short and easy answer ... or it can simply be synonymous and the comments can be easy.
My opinion.
Antwort von stevenk:

If not now mean that the questioner is a start :-)
That I hardly credible.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
I would like to duel with you mentally, but I see that you are unarmed.
The signature says it all. If I were half as aggressive as you in this thread so far has occurred yet, I would say: Your postings are truly disarming. But as I just schmunzel me into it.