Frage von ChronTe:
After I've searched 3days stupid but no anrwort get unbendingt hab ich brauch eure hilfe.
I have my film with Vegas erstellt.Nachdem I've seen how big (5.15 Gb) it is I wanted to compress it with Xvid. Ich habs mir runtergeladen un AVI with the FourCC changer to
Descripton FourCC Code: XVID FourCC Used Codec: DX50 This is great now with Media Player and VLCplayer yet another halt and I only get the sound to hear but do not get the Picture.Und
all AVI files. I do not know what I should do.
Among the properties of the film is to be found here
Audio Duration: 00:15:52
Bitrate: 1536
Abtastgröße: 16 bit
Audio Format: PCM
Video Frame rate: 29Einzelbilder/Sekunde
Data rate: 1274kbit / s
Video file size: 32bit
Video Compression: XVID
I've given everything that does not know where the problem lies, I suppose s.das it s.PCM audio format is but I do not even know it.
Please help me because I have absolutly no idea what I've done I've soll.ICh already synonymous all codec packs downloaded and it still has not gefunzt.
My friend says I should be so formatted, but I do not think that I say it because the problem certainly lies elsewhere but where?
Antwort von PhanZero:

A similar problem had recently acquaintance synonymous. As has VLC and Media Player fails. With Super ( we went, and he was able to convert again synonymous directly into a calculator for his readable format.
Antwort von agirlsh:

Thank you finally go there and I can continue working.