Frage von YeahBaby!:Hello,
search for a suitable monitoring gescheide Headphones. VX2100 device. What is there - as a cheap but good variant - to recommend?
Thanks to you schonma,
Antwort von OSCHSPICE:
Use times the magic word "Headphones" in the top right of the search.
Antwort von steveb:
search for a suitable monitoring gescheide Headphones. VX2100 device. What is there - as a cheap but good variant - to recommend?
Thanks to you schonma,
Sers! The question is: What do you s.den requirements for Headphones?
Antwort von eLmUnDo_PrOdUcTiOnS:
An often used and liked Headphones Sennheiser is the D 25, but should
your idea of a "favorable" Headphones with about 140 euros
This is the part with the best what you can do to his ears.