Frage von chironactor:
First of all: Yes, I am Beginners ;-)
But to the point:
After having my material quite correct in the HDV format was captured, I must say to my horror that the picture in the preview window so extremely jerky that s.keinen cut is reasonable to think ...
If the reason for the mpeg format (HDV)? Or maybe my calculator?
Here are my details, please look on it views:
AMD 3800 + (2412 Mhz)
2 GB Ram
Graphics card: MSI Nvidia GeForce 7300 GT
2 hard disks - joined together in Raid 0, Total 370 GB, 7200 RPM
Premiere Pro 2.0
SonyHDR-FX1E (HDV recording mode)
Sufficient det Maybe not it? (I actually thought that was very good ...)
Is there a workaround? So something in the direction:
First of all, to finish the material as a DV format capture (AVI - jerky as the preview pane is not synonymous-Picture), then edit it / the movie to recreate the whole thing again later with the HDV material (mpeg) "? Is there a way in Premiere Pro 2.0 where I will be offered as an approach or simplified somehow?
For a proposal I would be very grateful!!
Gruß Thorsten
Antwort von Dj Dino:

Either everything consistently in DV or HDV, to my knowledge, there is no possibility rehearsed DV All materials "somehow" back in HDV to walk, how will it go synonymous.
For serious-liquid HDV editing especially the processor should be strong enough, a 3800 + is not exactly the yellow of the egg since Premiere Pro synonymous with weak CPUs tend to be the ruckelgefärdeteren HDV candidates include (as is eg better MAGIX VDL 06.07 ). DualCore were synonymous besser.Am best convert to an Intel Core 2 Duo, must not be the strongest, eg the E6400 be enough already.
If it with me at VDL 06.07 in the preview window sometimes a bit jerky then it helps if I reduce the Resolutiondes preview window, but no idea whether that is synonymous with Premiere Pro and if that's enough alone to the weak CPU is very questionable.
Antwort von chironactor:

Was your answer to the dealer's up straight again, who has collected recently asked my (described above) PC.
The mean, if I was going to take Intel, I would have to convert all-consuming - motherboard would not walk, etc.
As an alternative, he suggested that I upgrade the CPU with the
AMD Athlon 64 5000 +
This would correspond to your Intel-based proposal, right? (according to his statement, the prerequisites would then be even exceeded ...)
What do you think?
Gruß Thorsten
(Also available is the information set out quickly the CPU:
CPU Athlon 64 X2 5000 +
Core codenamed Windsor
Athlon 64 X2 processor family
64 bit Technology
Technical Data
Number of cores 2
2x512 KB L2 cache
Manufacturing Process 90 nm
1000 MHz front side bus
Core version F2
Package O¼PGA
Socket AM2 Socket
Clock Speed 2600 MHz)
If the problem persists after the processor-sharing then still persists, the dealer, then the next step is the 2 GB Ram Upgrading to 4 would
The graphics card is anyway already above the required minimum, Adobe ...
Antwort von Dj Dino:
As an alternative, he suggested that I upgrade the CPU with the AMD Athlon 64 5000 +
If the problem persists after the processor-sharing then still persists, the dealer, then the next step is the 2 GB Ram Upgrading to 4 would
The graphics card is anyway already above the required minimum, Adobe ... The RAID0 composite of two 7200 RPM disks is already time super and the graphics card goes synonymous secure.
I believe that an X2 5000 + is certainly synonymous sufficient 2 instead of 4 GB of RAM I do not think necessarily nötig.Pinnacle eg recommended for HDV editing in 720p 1GB of RAM, and only when 1080i/HDR-FX1E 1GB or better (more) Adobe says mostly flat, "2 GB for HDV and HD is necessary."
Should be Well, I am thinking that one of these recommendations drauflegen getting better so nen half GB because even understate the Manufacturer like some make it synonymous with weak and more people buy the PC software stuff ...).
I would upgrade in any case only the first CPU and then schaun times how it goes before you might otherwise unnecessarily synonymous still invest in new RAM hast.Die CPU is definitely the No. 1 bottleneck at the moment.
Especially since it has not synonymous hyperthreading or dual core, hyperthreading, but Premiere Pro / Dual Core uses for better thread distribution.
But testing is still the same times as it currently looks as:
In task manager under "System Performance" -> Physical Memory> see the value in
Taskmanager unter "Systemleistung" dabei die CPU-Auslastungskurve beobachten, ist sie dabei dauernd auf nahezu 100% ganz oben kannst du es vergessen.
Noch par Tips :
Den Arbeitsspeicher kannst du ja synonymous OS-seitig etwas optimieren :
Vielleicht entfällt dann eine zwingende Ramaufrüstung.
Premiere Pro sowie deine 7300GS-graphics card unterstützt hardwareseitige HD MPEG2 (1080i) - Beschleunigung was die CPU entlastet synonymous (ansonsten betreffend Wiedergabe Softwarerendering=CPU).
Was das bringt kann man hier sehen : clicking. This requires, however, a current ForceWare driver, and unfortunately this (charge) the Nvidia "Pure Video" decoder: - this is then synonymous with accelerating and passing other programs use somewhat improved playback quality.
I am now but not sure how much it brings in the preview in the video editing, but certainly a bit less because the preview window so only Resolutionwiedergiebt with very little.
As a final icing on the cake you can download the Pure Video still increase.
The lack of desen but is solely responsible for stuttering is safe Unsinn.Ich could play smoothly on my Athlon 64 X2 3800 + system has all HDV videos synonymous without the PureVideo encoder.
Antwort von chironactor:

First of all, many great thank you also for taking the time to answer me in such detail (and helpful!) To!
The CPU utilization is proposing a test actually always "up" to - can not go so ...
In the "Available" (RAM) so it oscillates at 540000 (KB) (ie enough, right?)
So, I'll follow your tip and once the 5000 + reinbauen it - and then once weiterschauen.
Hopefully klappts then at last! ;-)
Yet times 1000 thankyou's!
Gruß Thorsten
Antwort von PowerMac:
Either everything consistently in DV or HDV, to my knowledge, there is no possibility rehearsed DV All materials "somehow" back in HDV to walk, how will it go synonymous. (...) That is nonsense. Each half-professional editing program can nachbatchen. Offline, and then something online ". Only DV, HDV s.end. So this is feasible.
Antwort von Dj Dino:
Either everything consistently in DV or HDV, to my knowledge, there is no possibility rehearsed DV All materials "somehow" back in HDV to walk, how will it go synonymous. (...)
That is nonsense. Each half-professional editing program can nachbatchen. Offline, and then something online ". Only DV, HDV s.end. So this is feasible. I knew not. Is that synonymous with my MAGIX VDL 2006/2007 and how?
Antwort von PowerMac:

I said, half-professional.
Antwort von chironactor:

Excuse me, but what does "offline editing something and then" online ". Only DV, HDV s.end ."???
Can you give me something more concrete - that if I were you very very very full pot mega grateful! ;-)
(Then perhaps I could save myself a lot of money and trouble ...)
Gruß Thorsten
As what I have to import my material for then first of all? HDV or DV? And then?
Antwort von Dj Dino:

I think for sure when importing HDV (HDV otherwise it can never again be lost Resolutionist times because once lost forever)
Otherwise, I would like to synonymous know precisely what he thinks ... inportierten about a film in HDV and DV editing mode (by movie settings, or change project settings to DV) resolution, edit, edit, and then back again by following the film / project settings HDV hochblasen "" and then burn as HDV (or what ever synonymous)?
So with my MAGIX is not or whether I bring it nichts.Egal an imported HDV footage is now in the
Project-movie settings
Antwort von wolfgang:
Either everything consistently in DV or HDV, to my knowledge, there is no possibility rehearsed DV All materials "somehow" back in HDV to walk, how will it go synonymous.
How Powermac says - that's nonsense. One can, of course, in programs such as Vegas or Edius DV and HDV material mixed in the timeline - and make the entire output to HDV. The DV material is thereby scaled up. How good it is depends of starting the editing software, Edius with NX makes the opinion of many people quite well.
As the VdL can - I do not know. Does not necessarily stop at the professionals Programs - synonymous when it is certainly good for its price. Go and try it just once and report here. But you do not expect miracles ... the starting material is then stop only SD material.
Antwort von Dj Dino:
Either everything consistently in DV or HDV, to my knowledge, there is no possibility rehearsed DV All materials "somehow" back in HDV to walk, how will it go synonymous.
One can, of course, in programs such as Vegas or Edius DV and HDV material mixed in the timeline - and make the entire output to HDV. The DV material is thereby scaled up. How good it is depends of starting the editing software, Edius with NX makes the opinion of many people very well ... the starting material is then stop only SD material. Well, it was not nonsense but what I said because I thought with the sentence
"All materials DV" somehow "re-convert HDV into" without loss of quality or loss of resolution goes upscale Materials.Das rehearsed it with me is already clear But the result can never match the quality that you get würde.Aufgeblassenes without scaling SD material never looks really great, eg at Saturn are sometimes connected rather than any HDV camcorder SD s.HDTV displays (full of idiotic but sometimes there is the case ). When would be upscale, of course, then stretched the pixels that looks bad, like a Pixelbrei.Ok then depends on the quality of the scaling of the display there is the ab.Softwareseitig may be better but even achieved the best scaling method is not nearly the quality of justifying such a method I think.
Aside of the computational burden of the high Resolutionbleibt then also (no preference which resolution) are still the problem to be dealt with HDV, an MPEG2 format that requires the CPU needs and inter-frame more than DV (-based codec).
But why is an upgrade of the CPU certainly makes sense to him.
Antwort von Dj Dino:
Either everything consistently in DV or HDV, to my knowledge, there is no possibility rehearsed DV All materials "somehow" back in HDV to walk, how will it go synonymous. (...)
That is nonsense. Each half-professional editing program can nachbatchen. Offline, and then something online ". Only DV, HDV s.end. So this is feasible. So you think you have misunderstood me, I thought the whole scaling without loss of quality, I should synonymous hät dazusagen.
Antwort von wolfgang:

So even with the various displays, I would be careful - there are now who have the very good scalers, and some that are there really lousy. On sowas you should look for when purchase of an LCD or plasma, because usually the quality will be receiving SD unchanged for many people.
The extrapolation in a NLE can be imagined as not only an enlarge of the pixels, a reasonable person because software is already quite well interpolated. Nevertheless, you are right that the process certain limits. But Ulrich was Of what did he get from the Canopus NX, actually always very enthusiastic.
The issue will occupy us in the coming period still often - if people want to cut hard time HDV, and SD material with the mix. Synonymous, or if people ask if you can not upscale SD material on HDV old, and if so how.
Antwort von PowerMac:

It's like you are cutting quite normal in DV.
Eventually, your cut is finished. Now, you "do online". The computer again plays all the clips as a new HDV and by replacing the DV with HDV with all the acquired settings.
You cut in low Resolutionund s.Schluss just re-connect "with HD. At the end lies in a HD movie. Advantage: Cut Calculator on every possible afloat. Disadvantage: you sit there and make the line one days. So click pallet, and tapes. The rendering then again usually lasts one night.
Antwort von Dj Dino:
It's like you are cutting quite normal in DV.
Eventually, your cut is finished. Now, you "do online". The computer again plays all the clips as a new HDV and by replacing the DV with HDV with all the acquired settings.
Now I understand you never heard of the method must really only professional programs can sowas ... ingenious solution.
Carries the risk that the non-rehearsed HDV footage () by the re-import it no longer quite synchronously to the DV movie is (as it is easy Delayed by small variations in the beginning and end so) then especially the sections of the DV movie is not exactly be applied to the HDV footage? But läst is indeed easy to correct.
Which Programs can be the case?
Antwort von wolfgang:

There are indeed such variations - for example, if you work with, and the Edius DVX / Storm. As namely, we can cut the HDV with DV project settings to use the card for it - and then switch the output in Edius and print the material in HDV.
Whether that is synonymous with Premiere - no idea.
But perhaps synonymous helps a proxy solution - as is precisely the thread of grovel here to read. Or it could be synonymous to help Cineform intermediates for APP.
Antwort von Dj Dino:
As namely, we can cut the HDV with DV project settings to use the card for it - and then switch the output in Edius and print the material in HDV.
That is what goes into the project settings of Magix synonymous with me (abgsehn of a card), but unfortunately not improve the performance, is probably not designed :-(
Antwort von wolfgang:

I can only suspect the cause to stop here, the hardware codec shows a massively improved performance, offers the DVX. While Magix halt the pure software DV codec used.
But the original question here was still based on APP. Where are the APP user, which can lead to the question say?
Antwort von chironactor:

1000 thanks, PowerMac, it works! I'm happy ... - And will finally be rid of synonymous nu det film cutting - what it actually is ;-)
Gruß Thorsten