Frage von Erik S.:I ask you for help. Have photos that a customer is burned to DVD and would like to have sent. The problem: it must be done today and he has a Mac and a PC. What do I burn (PC, Nero6) is a DVD that his Mac can read? In the help of Nero is nothing clever in it. Only that I need SCSI hard disks. What a nonsense.
Please: What settings should I make?
-> Data DVD burn with ISO 9660? Please help me.
Thank you!
Antwort von Ka:
Can anyone really help?
: (
Antwort von Dongball:
Should there be a pure data-DVD version?
To my knowledge, you can just burn with Nero under OSX can then be opened without problems.
Antwort von Ka:
Yes exactly. It will only photos can be stored on it. Is that with the standard data DVD?
Thank you