Frage von Rosi:
Welcome times,
So I copied some songs, and synonymous entire albums directly in the WMP, but most of the songs he is much too quiet again! Has anyone an idea, and since she can to me then as an absolute PC layman, understandable explanation! ;-)
Thanks in advance
Antwort von VolkerS:

What do you mean with "copied into the WMP, do you want to save the CD as an mp3 on the hard drive, or just listen or .....
If you are the only tracks in the playlist of Media Player you have imported will play just the CD.
Down in the Media Player window, there is a slider to Lautsärkeeinstellung. If it is not loud enough, now click on the little speaker icon in the taskbar (bottom right) on your screen. There, the volume control is opened. The first regulator changes the Gesamtlautsärke of the system. The governor "wave" must be up.
If the speaker icon is not displayed, you come on START-> Programs-> accessories-> entertainment-> volume is also on the volume control.
Antwort von Rosi:

... wow, thanks for the quick response! :-)
The Copy I mean is this: if I want to burn as individual songs for 'ne own music collection to CD or your MP3 player, I have to copy this so erstmal in WMP, if synonymous everything well, but strangely enough, some songs are in the process or completely synonymous' ne whole CD, which afterwards, both on the burned CD, the MP3 player, but even in WMP itself did synonymous ( "alas, I only just discovered that you can then test in advance the quality of quasi!), just quietly are heard, but others "normal" loud, so now I have nothing to do with the volume s.WMP ;-) Hope was able to understand my problem now take over!? ;-)
LG, Rosi
Antwort von VolkerS:

maybe it s.den CD's is because that is synonymous gibts extreme volume differences.
PS You can not copy the CD into WMP but on the hard drive, the WMP is only the (relatively poor) tools to do so.
Antwort von Rosi:

... s.den CD's can not lie, because if I burn it directly in Nero is the playback sound knotless! But how can one without WMP 'create ne music compilation, or as' ne CD onto an MP3 player to copy? I'm totally at a loss because ...
Antwort von steveb:

well ... I'd bet that synonymous. Some cds differ extremely in volume and sound. Use powerlame yet (you ever have to google), which is great for ripping (of cd read) and modify sound of my knowledge synonymous likely to subsequently too. and freeware to do so.
powerlame both can cd to wav (to burn a music cd)
cd to mp3.
Antwort von VolkerS:

I might recommend CDEX, also freeware, is a normalization function (ie, make all files in the directory eimen equally loud), that is you and freedb access (you can download from the internet for each CD of each title and the names do not need this to type of Hand .)
Antwort von Rosi:

... is true that there are differences of tone, however, and as already mentioned, the original CDs are best in sound, and the remains synonymous if I burn in Nero, but when I go to copy it in WMP, there is at the same time differences, he copied some normal, others too quietly listens, then really terrible at! MP3 files, taken from the Internet, probably like WMP, because the sound comes over synonymous knotless! understand a technique ... :-(
Antwort von steveb:

experimental initialy other software. If it is then still the case) might s.auslesen liegts s.deiner hardware (or CDROM. Some cd's you should read slower when the error correction of the cdroms in some cd's do not comply. exclusion procedures practicing :-)
Antwort von Rosi:

hm, but burn CDs but works perfectly ... grübel, grübel next ;-)
Thank you once ...
Greeting Rosi
Antwort von steveb:

you take the same files, both for the burn as synonymous in WMP or are you copying the tracks in Nero again separately?
It would probably help if you time formulierst an exact sequence.
If you would work with different programs, at least you could ever have an verified copy of a CD to hard drive. If you with another tool reads the tracks of CD and then mount the tracks in WMP, you could see whether the effect is the same or not synonymous. A dragging directly on WMP's just read something else, eg as Powerlame with the files and integrate them into WMP. Understood?
Antwort von Rosi:

yes, thank you, understand I've been in about ;-)
And yes, always the same source, I say burn CDs in Nero, everything perfectly! I would only synonymous to burn an MP3 player good music ;-), or 'ne own music collection on CD, I copy of this CD in WMP, and there, then come to the aforementioned problems, more or less, and just as I said, some copied it well, others again viiiiel too quiet! Oddly, he has this "work" time well done ....!!
Antwort von grovel:

I almost think even a scandal that is spoken here so long about CD extraction, without anyone EAC appeals.
Each of the other program for audio extraction uses hereby loses any right to complain about the quality of the pieces - particularly in connection with video.
SeeYa grovel
Antwort von Rosi:

oki doki grovel, I will take it once in operation, and let you know, either way ;-)!
Thanks and seeja,
Rosi :-)
Antwort von Rosi:

grrr, kl. Typo meant to be tackled, already clear, is not it! ;-)
Antwort von Rosi:

... sodele,'ve now everything perfectly under control, including volume, with the Audiograbber ;-)
Again thank you all right! :-)