Frage von Martin Woischke:Hi you (hopefully) rescuers in need,
I have begun to include shooting of 8mm to DVD. so far but this is a tedious task. I have an old calculator (1 GHz), with which I capture the videos. Now I would like to edit with another calculator. Here is my first problem. The FAST AV MASTER codec is not getting any way! even in the forum, there is a link that promises me the codec, but nowhere in the end. And my second problem is that the SCH # # # # with Nero only *. inf video-ts ... can burn. The best Währe, if you can show me where I herkriege a codec that I can in the FAST Video Editor (integrated 5.0).
If you have such a codec, or know where I am the herbekomme synonymous me you can send an e-mail:
M. @ Woischke Your damaged Martin
Antwort von Nightfly!:
Hello Martin!
To my knowledge, there are the fast drivers only to Windows NT (W98):
Also Dazzle / Pinnacle can look again but I have seen nothing since!
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Antwort von wrunge:
I thank you sincerely and hope that my Rechrschreibung has not had too many headaches.