Frage von RocknRoyal:
I will in the next three weeks to shoot a commercial, which revolves around the theme of football.
Now I'm looking for, regardless of this particular shoot, a source in which you can buy all kinds of sounds ... etc. I need for the current rotary switch on the sounds which "set to music of the floodlights, etc. ..
But as I said, actually, in general a very good source and it comes diesbzgl. not on the price to - where to buy one for Hollywood;)? No, seriously, there it is done. well give reference sources, right?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Heijo, guksch grad Emol Horschd in the past Berch. The MacHD Blosmusik verdond oh and everything. Sagsch | s greetings from em Scholledoktor.
Antwort von RocknRoyal:

* Lol *
sounds to me rather as if it were "too much ännn plaice have been nit Hanschen"? :)
Antwort von domain:
enter and football, what could possibly bring
Antwort von nicecam:

See, I have the PowerMac actually lured from the reserve. Is it a very Nice. ;-)
Royal Rock: Also sometimes look there:
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