Frage von ws-avantgarde:
Hey all together,
my name is Nils and I work at
Widescreen avant*garde, einem Project, dass sich als Erweiterung der Filmfachzeitschrift Widescreen with Shooting abseits des Mainstreams beschäfigt. Obwohl wir in unserem Team synonymous Film and DVD-Kritiken in der Widescreen veröffentlichen, liegt das Hauptaugenmerk unserer Arbeit auf unserem kostenlosen Internetauftritt, den ich euch heute hier gerne vorstellen möchte.
Seit March dieses Jahres versorgen wir nämlich unter Widescreen avant*garde, einem Project, dass sich als Erweiterung der Filmfachzeitschrift Widescreen with Shooting abseits des Mainstreams beschäfigt. Obwohl wir in unserem Team synonymous Film and DVD-Kritiken in der Widescreen veröffentlichen, liegt das Hauptaugenmerk unserer Arbeit auf unserem kostenlosen Internetauftritt, den ich euch heute hier gerne vorstellen möchte.
Seit March dieses Jahres versorgen wir nämlich unter
Film tips from international Independent-, Arthouse, experimental-and trash movies. True to the motto "films for advanced", we present the works of greats like director Wong Kar-Wai, Jean-Luc Godard, Takeshi Kitano, or Jim Jarmusch in a high-quality produce and especially free TV show. It is our goal in all the films to support, characterized
Widescreen avant*garde, einem Project, dass sich als Erweiterung der Filmfachzeitschrift Widescreen with Shooting abseits des Mainstreams beschäfigt. Obwohl wir in unserem Team synonymous Film and DVD-Kritiken in der Widescreen veröffentlichen, liegt das Hauptaugenmerk unserer Arbeit auf unserem kostenlosen Internetauftritt, den ich euch heute hier gerne vorstellen möchte.
Seit March dieses Jahres versorgen wir nämlich unter
by quality and not quantity reward. A 30 million U.S.
Widescreen avant*garde, einem Project, dass sich als Erweiterung der Filmfachzeitschrift Widescreen with Shooting abseits des Mainstreams beschäfigt. Obwohl wir in unserem Team synonymous Film and DVD-Kritiken in der Widescreen veröffentlichen, liegt das Hauptaugenmerk unserer Arbeit auf unserem kostenlosen Internetauftritt, den ich euch heute hier gerne vorstellen möchte.
Seit March dieses Jahres versorgen wir nämlich unter
dollars budget, which we think is not necessary to make a good film to produce.
zum Bild
Although our program is directed primarily s.diejenigen for the above mentioned genres represent previously uncharted territory, we are firmly convinced that synonymous to the one or the other "experienced movie-goers" as some film gems for us to discover.
If you do feel like it should in a program that is not itself too seriously, takes the film to know something different, we would be delighted if her
Antwort von ws-avantgarde:

Sorry that I am now on my own post reply, but gabs with us a few updates that I have not, of course, wants to deprive
1) The Introduction of
zum Bild . We noticed is that we are in the trash "... films from the international Independent-, Arthouse, Experimental-and Trash-Movies" has been little attention have. Therefore we have decided
avant * trash to launch. At the moment we can avant * trash but not as usual in a video series deal. Therefore, the contributions are only being written in our blog is available. As a small compensation but it is a video special about the label's type. (A really great video special).
In the
forum we will discuss which films just too avant * trash could fit.
If you trash classics synonymous knows that we never forget, ever so forth. Here are some movies that I just think divinely:
Blood Suckers
"Grotesc? And pagan orgy. S.their They worship evil god and their high priest is lust" Beast Of The Yellow Night
"He returned from the dead to posess the body, the woman and the life of another" Class of Nuke em High
to tromaville high, s.average high school with one exception: its located only one mile away from a power plant nucleur"
2) And now to something completely different. For the moment runs synonymous with us the choice of the best avant-garde * episode. To celebrate (or to attract more people) so we organize a big competition. This is only part of what is there to win.
zum Bild All profits can be found
hier. Die einzige Teilnahmebedingung ist, dass ihr euch im Forum anmeldet (keine Sorge, wir werden euch nicht zuspammen) and
in this thread hier. Die einzige Teilnahmebedingung ist, dass ihr euch im Forum anmeldet (keine Sorge, wir werden euch nicht zuspammen) and
vote. PS. Can it really be that 200 people have viewed the thread and lust None had an answer to leave?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Fairly well done. Elaborately! Who's doing because it always? These are days of compositing ...
Antwort von ws-avantgarde:
Fairly well done. Elaborately! Who's doing because it always? These are days of compositing ... Fabian, our moderator, is the master mind behind the entire Project. Also for the compositing, he is responsible.
If you are the works of certain directors in the second season to see you, ever so forth!
Antwort von ws-avantgarde:

Hey, everybody!
There are again a few updates of us. Recently, we were both nähmlich in the
TV movie as synonymous in the
ZDF (-Morgenmagazin) had been mentioned. (The contributions you can
zum Bild zum Bild The course, very pleased because we are the one so synonymous for the first time outside of the Internet mentioned on the other hand synonymous because a second season in our grasp. While we still have no green light for further episodes, but these mentions are we in any case a great next step.
On this occasion, I am now synonymous with times in the forums herumzufragen what directors you for a second season can imagine. The interim results you can see here:
1. Allen, Woody [3x]
2. Almodóvar, Pedro *
3. Altman, Robert *
4. Anderson, Paul Thomas * [3x]
5. Anderson, Wes * [1x]
6. Anno, Hideaki [1x]
7. Antonioni, Michelangelo * [1x]
8. Arraba, Fernando [1x]
9. Argento, Dario [1x]
10. Aronofsky, Darren [6x]
11. Barker, Clive [1x]
12. Barney, Matthew [1x]
13. Boyle, Danny [1x]
14. Bertolucci, Bernardo * [2x]
15. Brakhage, Stan [1x]
16. Bresson * [1x]
17. Buñuel, Luis * [6x]
18. Buttgereit, Jörg [1x]
19. Caro, Marc [1x]
20. Carpenter [4x]
21. Cassavetes, John * [1x]
22. Chaplin, Charlie [1x]
23. Clouzot, Henri-Georges *
24. Coen (Joel & Ethan) * [7x]
25. Coppola, Francis Ford [1x]
26. Cronenberg, David * [10x]
27. Dardenne (Jean-Pierre & Luc) [1x]
28. Dassin, Jules *
29. Their, Maya [1x]
30. Diallo *
31. Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich [2x]
32. Fassbinder, Rainer Werner * [1x]
33. Fellini, Federico * [6x]
34. Fincher, David [3x]
35. Forman, Milos [1x]
36. Furtado, Jorge [1x]
37. Gilliam, Terry * [3x]
38. Greenaway, Peter *
39. Haneke, Michael * [2x]
40. Hichcock, Alfred * [4x]
41. Hill, Walter [1x]
42. Iñárritu, Alejandro González [4x]
43. Jensen, Anders Thomas [1x]
44. Jeunet, Jean-Pierre [1x]
45. Ji-woon, Kim [1x]
46. Jodorowsky, Alejandro * [7x]
47. Kassovitz, Mathieu *
48. Kaurismäki, Aki *
49. Kelly, Richard [1x]
50. Ki-Duk, Kim [2x]
51. Kieslowski, Krzysztof *
52. Kon, Satoshi [1x]
53. Kubrick, Stanley [8x] *
54. Kurosawa, Akira [7x] *
55. Kusturica, Emir [1x] *
56. Lang, Fritz [1x]
57. Leone, Sergio [3x]
58. Linklater, Richard [2x] *
59. Lumet, Sidney [1x]
60. Malle, Louis [2x]
61. Malick, Terrence [2x] *
62. Melville, Jean-Pierre *
63. Miyazaki, Hayao [2x]
64. Monty Python movie [1x]
65. Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm [1x]
66. Noé, Gaspar [1x]
67. Park Chan-Wook [5x] *
68. Pasolini, Pier Paolo [3x] *
69. Peckinpah, Sam [6x] *
70. Polanski, Roman [7x] *
71. Pollack, Sydney [1x]
72. Preminger, Otto [1x]
73. Renoir, Jean [2x] *
74. Resnais, Alain [1x] *
75. Ritchie, Guy [1x]
76. Roeg, Nicolas [1x]
77. Rodriguez, Robert [4x]
78. Rohmer, Eric *
79. Schneider, Helge [1x]
80. Scorsese, Martin [6x] *
81. Siegel, Don [1x]
82. Smith, Kevin [2x]
83. Sono, Sion [1x]
84. Stone, Oliver [3x]
85. Takashi, Miike [3x]
86. Tanaka, Hiroyuki (aka Sabu) [3x]
87. Tarkowski, Andrei Arsenjewitsch [3x] *
88. Truffaut, François [2x] *
89. Tsukamoto, Shinya [3x]
90. Visconti, Luchino [1x] *
91. Van Sant, Gus *
92. From Trier, Lars [3x] *
93. Wajda, Andrzej [1x]
94. Warhol, Andy *
95. Watanabe *
96. Waters, John [1x]
97. Welles, Orson [1x] *
98. Wenders, Wim [2x] *
99. Wilder, Billy [2] *
100. Romero, George A. [1x]
In the brackets is always the number of votes, the * indicates that the respective directors synonymous to our
Antwort von ws-avantgarde:

Hey all together,
I got me a long time are no longer reported. As a compensation, but there are now synonymous equal to 2 Updates
1) Avant * trash is becoming more concrete forms. In our
TV-Tipsavant-trash * Special video is online. What it is? Check yourself (click on the Picture):
zum Bild Even if you do not Boll fans are, I advise you use the trailer for "Visiting Uwe - The Uwe Boll-Story Home" view. Because only because of his style, he is worth seeing.
The film will s.dem 03.09 with the new widescreen edition of the vision available. A short time later, it can be synonymous but nothing online.
2) As you already know it will be in the next edition of the widescreen vision "
Uwe Boll-Homestory" geben. Für die Premium Ausgabe ist jedoch eine noch geballtere Ladung avant*garde geplant. Denn neben dem Uwe Boll - Film, wird sie synonymous alle avant*garde-Episoden (sowie weitere Extras) auf DVD enthalten. Dazu hier jetzt alle Informationen:
zum Bild
* avant garde on DVD - The total duration of 120 min
- All 8 episodes inclusive prologue & epilogue (16:9)
- All Teaser & Trailer (16:9)
- Image Galleries
- Comic Strips of Zyneasten
- High quality printed and double-sided DVD inlay for insertion in a transparent DVD case
Visiting Uwe (included on the DVD the widescreen vision edition)
- The complete documentation (50 mins / 16:9)
- Bonus questions (15 minutes)
- DVD cover to cut and an accompanying text in the booklet
- About 185 minutes widescreen Vision DVD content (useine consequence of ... Well ... * cough * Conan TV Series)
* avant card postcards - Grindhouse
- Summer Kikujiros
Widescreen Vision Magazine - 6 pages DVD preview of presenting avant-garde *
- 2 pages accompanying text Visiting Uwe
price: 9,99 ¬
The Premium edition can be either completely normal in the newspaper shops (s.03.09) or online via
this widescreen Page Order.
More pictures (from the booklet, the DVD menus, etc.), there are
avant*blogIch hoffe es gefällt euch :D
zum Bild zum Bild zum Bild
Antwort von ws-avantgarde:

Hey everybody!
as long as it in the end, our documentation
Visiting Uwe: Uwe Boll The Story Home is now online and is free (and in HD) on be. If no longer clear what it should be all about, here the blurb: "Fabian Hübner (* avant garde) visited Uwe Boll (BloodRayne, Postal) s.seinem resident, visited his home and spoke with the director about the film making, art - Trash and movies as well as the controversy surrounding his person. Visiting Uwe provides insight into the privacy of the controversial filmmaker and speaks on topics that are not immediately with Uwe Boll in combination would bring. Or you would have thought that Lars Triers of Breaking the Waves have a special status in his DVD shelf occupies? " I hope you enjoy it:)
zum Bild PS. For Boll fans: In our
Antwort von PowerMac:

Antwort von

The documentary was extremely well and I found the Boll very nice!
Had never thought that he was a top guy.