Frage von
Servus Slashcam visitors,
I have a video of the Radical Fa-Republic would be discovered and
like to know whether the effect of history with the AE is possible.
The video can be found here ...
This is the video of the BMW Museum!
Would I have a quick answer very happy!
The Jodel WIRT
Antwort von Mylenium:

Do not know quite what you mean. Old film look? Photos from the area can levitate? Photos can be reflected? There's a lot.
Antwort von

I think the multiple photos in a row and have the effect of flying through the images with a high tempo.
The mirrors should not be a problem, or? I think because the picture was copied and with masks / opacity, etc. worked.
Mir was whether man sowas in AE, or in other programs! The floating effect of the photos should not be synonymous but soooo difficult, or?
The Jodel WIRT
PS: Thanks for the quick info!
Antwort von mcstudios:

Would say definintiv After Effects ... Maybe each, a composition with the videos, create the required effects for the "old" look and then show the mirror, as I said with its soft-edge mask, and the mirrored duplicate.
Then the parts in 3D space, order object with zero or more expressions for core values such as Y-Height of anchor point or rotation s.eineander "bind" and the whole with the camera on his path and is moved accidentally.
Will stop working and eventually render synonymous much time.
This 3D Tower but I receive only net out with after effects ...
Many greetings,
Antwort von

THANK YOU for your answer!
With Expressions, I can not yet sooooo well! Or is it easy to explain for this Project?
As I go with the null object s.besten in this case?
The Jodel WIRT
PS: Have already tried a lot s.WE! Is still not optimal, that is why I ask ...
Antwort von Jake the rake:

Maybe you can help
Antwort von mcstudios:

My approach would be composed with the videos bsw. 10 times to duplicate and each bit in the Z-Depth move. Then again each of these stacks etc.
Then a zero-object creation, and with right-click on the icon bar on the level Stack "Customize -> Superordinate" Parenting the function displayed. All except the nil object and the Choice on the lasso null object move.
Now, the Transformationseigentschaften all snychron change. Because the anchor point of the zero object, then you move slightly outward so that the screen is s.rechten. And now the Y-rotation of the zero-animate object. Maybe it works?
Or stop the v Step 2 + 3. omitted and instead with Expressions (Alt + click on the stopwatch of the property) the position values in 3D space tie together. And then mark a path through the stack. The Camera and align it along to.
Perhaps klappts?