Infoseite // How can I live images from the camcorder on s.den Network Projector to send?

Frage von Audiovision:


Have the following projects:
I want to live pictures from the camcorder (with firewire port) live on my existing network s.meinen beamer send

I would like in one room to the camcorder via firewire then s.den computer, the images over the network s.den laptop in the next room and send it out of da s.den send beamer

is this possible, what software do I need

schonmal thank in advance


Antwort von Markus:


You could you the Windows Media Encoder and thus invite a streaming out.


Antwort von Blackeagle123:


if you s.dem PC, s.dem the camera is connected, do not have to work simultaneously, you could s.einem Calculator on fullscreen the video and run via the Remote Desktop Picture s.den Beamer send.

As would be the way of Mark's much more comfortable, but synonymous complicated!

What budget do you have available? There are good hardware synonymous!

Liebe Grüße,


Antwort von Markus:

"Blackeagle123" wrote: There are good hardware synonymous!
For example, a simple video cable. zum Bild


Antwort von Blackeagle123:

oh right, the computer firewire solution, I s.digitale video switcher or mixer designed around the Firewire signal to split. So you could s.PC, while the projector the picture gets.

Per analog video cable you can also of course, even a lot easier ;-)

Tjaja, think easy ",
Many greetings,


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