Frage von Eskargo:
I'm still new here but I've read en volume here, but not found the right answer ....
So now to my problem.
I take old VHS movies on my PC and since Picture and sound are separated I pack them back into the MainConcept MPEG encoder together again was so synonymous with great works, and this is convertible same in order to SVCD.
Now I have a couple of times trying to burn the movies that can read it any DVD player but works nicht.Mein DVD players can all formats lesen.Ich burning with Nero!
Now my question is how do I put it s.das anyone can read the DVD player is ?????
Danke schon mal in advance
Antwort von beiti:

The magic word by which you are looking for is called "authoring".
While authoring the entire contents of a standard-compliant DVD is created. Some editing programs have already incorporated such capabilities, otherwise there is synonymous special authoring software.
Antwort von IMMatthias:

Mmm Programs can recommend it??
Antwort von beiti:

Then you must be even more precise:
- In what format the movies are available, which you want to burn?
- Do you want to burn to DVD or CD (SVCD for example)?
- What version of Nero do you have (version, Nero Express or Nero BurningROM, OEM) suite or full version?
Antwort von isaak:

Hi Sandra,
yes you can be lucky that Picture and sound are synchronously, with analog
Capture of course not!
I do not know what you mean with edges SVCD? That actually is a "Brennvormat." Since I edges with a program (video deluxe) and with Nero burn, I suggest you propose:
Margins not your movie SVCD, but in mpg2 format and loading them in the Nero.Nero then burn SVCD disc on your
1.Anmerkung: Nero has a way of synonymous aufzunhemen Camera.
Then it would probably be no problem as Nero very reliable edges
And this even faster than some editing program!
2.Anmerkung: Your question, however, is:
.. How do I Burn Movies to DVD disc. If you mean:
DVD disc, then this is not at all with SVCD.Dieses format is only available on CD! not for DVD!
But if you are capturing analog, then the format can not be better than SVCD, so you need only one CD. Vorrausgesetzt your video is not too long!
Attempt erstmal your SVCD format and burn to a CD DVD in Nereo not to. Perhaps this was the mistake!
Yours, Isaac
[/ b]
Antwort von IMMatthias:

Well, as I have already written, I take old VHS movies on your PC auf.and indeed bring them back together so that Picture and sound are together again .....
Now I will even burn the movie on DVD because it blank for a CD is too large (would 4CDs)
So I do not have the film in special SVCD convert into MPEG-2.
I have Nero 7 Premium full version so ....
I have been synonymous with the film tries to load Nero on the PC, but it was only s.ruckeln accept you.
how do I have to burn the Mpeg-2 on dvd movie or as a data DVD or whatever .... grübel
So I hope I have not forgotten to answer ....
Antwort von Eskargo:

Oops, the above is of me ... sorry I was not logged in
Antwort von isaak:

Hello Sandra are, quite fast ne!
if you want, you can tell me ne Meil schicken.Nereo is very umfangreich.Da texts we all forum full.
Here only briefly: If you have a DatenDVD burn, then you can not create a menu And much mehr.Dein video is stored as a file, so to speak.
One example is when you burn DatenDVD will.Um save multiple videos as synonymous, the backup can be done later on, you make the DVD does not ab.So weeks later you can burn the finished video next eaves. (Alerdings not run this on a DVD external DVD player, at least as long as you do not terminate)
If you have multiple videos Verfühgung then, you can select specific and one of the Datendvd VideoDVD burn with Menu, Title, etc.
Lieben Gruss Isaac
Antwort von wotan:

Hi everyone!
Keywords for Nero and DVD-Video Vision Express is creating .. Can be downloaded on the Nero website as a plugin. Who makes all things auto.
... just a thought.
Antwort von Eskargo:

Yes, I've already tested ... only absorb the excess in Rückelt ....