Frage von robrick:
I try with the program Adobe Premiere Pro Cs my Mini DV camera film of the celebrations on board to get. With the Movie Maker it works great.
What should I do?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Cam connect via firewire - Premiere Start - Recording/F5
Antwort von robrick:

it works, unfortunately not!
Antwort von JMS Productions:
it works, unfortunately not! A little more information could not hurt. "That does not work" is not exactly a great description of the problem ...
Antwort von ThomasR:

Do you have compatriots if your firewire card is installed correctly?
Do you have the right at the start Project selected? ie no HDV but a dv project in widescreen or 4:3 depending on how you've recorded?
Do you have in Premiere when capturing HDV or DV set?
Antwort von ThomasR:

Do you have compatriots if your firewire card is installed correctly?
Do you have the right at the start Project selected? ie no HDV but a dv project in widescreen or 4:3 depending on how you've recorded?
Do you have in Premiere when capturing HDV or DV set?