Frage von Riki1979:
Dear filmmakers,
back and again I take part s.Gruppenreisen and sell my footage then on DVD after payment s.die interested group members.
It works like this: I cancel my offer before leaving the bus go round s.and a list, in which interested members can register their addresses (so I know later, when the films are meant to). In addition, the passengers choose from this list, whether they want a DVD, a Blu-Ray disc or a VHS cassette. At home, I edit the movies s.PC (editing, editing, Title, and credits, comments, royaltyfree Music etc. ..) and synonymous Personalize the cover and the DVDs.
And I am always so per DVD ¬ 15.00.
Now my question: How much could I charge per BluRay movie? If I served well when I use for a BluRay disc Take 10 ¬ more than a normal DVD? The BluRay disk sid yes synonymous expensive than regular DVD discs.
I get that is now slowly on Bluray. For if in a tour group synonymous people here, have the BluRay devices, then the film will enjoy the best can indeed synonymous. But the standard DVDs I nevertheless offer to next!
The "processing chain" would indeed be the beginning of Full-HD, as I film in this format anyway. For the DVD in standard resolution Converts Magix Video Deluxe so the quality before burning down.
I also do it so synonymous not in a big way, but only now and again when I uternehme a trip.
LG Ricardo!
Antwort von dustdancer:

as long as you have not registered with the tax office, you should take nothing if you do not have a problem like.
Antwort von Alf_300:

You should not try to test out the pain of your customers.
Antwort von Riki1979:
as long as you have not registered with the tax office, you should take nothing if you do not have a problem like. Well sure I want to take something for the Bluray movies! For the normal DVDs I've taken what synonymous! Think about it: The Media, the color printer, the current ... the costs everything! And the movies I sell MAL's only because I do not travel so often!
Antwort von Debonnaire:
as long as you have not registered with the tax office, you should take nothing if you do not have a problem like. Why not?! If he provides a benefit and cost of materials has also had his camera equipment, his PC and the software probably is not synonymous for free, must ask for the money if he would blithely off one of its service. Or are you really in Germany so unworldly that it does everything for free? This would absolutely not correspond to my experience with good ol 'USA! (Saves you now just any stupid comments about Switzerland and its finances, I can that is for our banking nothing, thank you.)
So, 15 ¬ for a fully edited video DVD of a holiday (no preference whether the film is good only synonymous or not the least ...) with shell and printability are God already knows is an absolute bargain. I would offer that never at this price! No matter ... For the same on BluRay in the minimum you can pay the difference to the blank DVD plus a reasonable payback extra contribution required BluRay burner s.den x on it hit 1.5 for your efforts!
Many BluRays you will still can not deduct because, as you yourself noted the world a large part erschaudernd still in VHS and is not even a DVD player all have at home. But if you have the equipment and someone wants the blue disc, then leave it to you openly reward synonymous!
Whether or not you get this additional income (how much can that be already, filmed at one or two trips per year à perhaps 15 orders minus your own material and equipment amortization costs?) Angibst then your stern tax office you're leaving. I would not give these few hundred Nettoeuronen. Is it Pippifax, really!
You should not try to test out the pain of your customers. Why not?! Called
market research and input and there is everywhere! Why not "abusing" A journey times as a test rabbit and see how high you can push the price until the declining orders to the total revenues compared to the previous one, the market price falls below accepted? Sun geschäftsdebil that you do not even synonymous entertains such thoughts, but you can not really even in Germany! Ts, ts, ts ...
Antwort von mann:
as long as you have not registered with the tax office, you should take nothing if you do not have a problem like. "Register" I know he must do nothing to the tax office, but "declare income."
Shooting and make movies for a fee he can, also to my knowledge, no business registration, if he just does not professionally, so private "to a small extent, by the way."
It would suffice synonymous with the tax office a call (if necessary, anonymously) to determine if he has to explain 150 or 200 ¬ per year the tax office. Up to a threshold then you pay no taxes anyway - unless you already have a taxable job.
The price for a BlueRay I would make depending of the targeted
audience: what kind of people that travel there and s.einer DVD / BlueRay are interested? Approximate
income group? Is it ne better coffee drive with low incomes, or seems like a unique and beautiful journey, s.die each of the well-heeled passengers would like to remember?
And the buyer sees himself back on the filming? Or should he get in the end only a few pans to see the village church?
Maybe it is anyway only 3 or 4 people that are currently true HD TV and have so far can really look at HD? Then you do not need long to think because of some ¬ any more merit. Then take moderate 19, 20 or 21 ¬, you can increase Prices later still, perhaps better than any in your potential clients to give the impression that you want to do about exorbitant prices, the fast money ...
Antwort von domain:

Nachtigall ick Listen traps.
Gell Ricardo, you it's really not about the problem described, but Stimmfühlungslaute.
In Austria, you would not say a word about it at all, if only to make the authorities are not aware. In addition, there is the tax term hobby. This is the case, if the revenues exceed the expenditures not to create the videos, such as depreciation, amortization and lime. Interest on the equipment, real material inserts, etc.
So in no way at all of any mention.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Domain, what are "Stimmfühlungslaute"? Never heard of ...
But in principle I give you right in your post! 've Actually described above analogy. German is easy Kleinkrämertum and goes hand in hand with the same old, candy, "Ugh ... you have software downloaded and show a black man in a video of what you have not caught up with model release" of many emotions here!
Awake at last a little loose their old-but-still-in-you-intrinsic block Warts and Gauleiter in the north! Lives and produced, instead of getting bogged down your total energy with the detection of violations alleged against laws and rules! You are synonymous the only I know the country, which, besides the regular police, an additional Schattenaufpassmacht to
order office holds with, so then synonymous certainly the two ultimate from the police overlooked cm from the Feldchen parked vehicle or the 4 cm above the neighboring fence hanging out hazel can be punished! Ridiculous!
Antwort von Kino:

Merci a lot of minor Debonnaire, very informative.
Your lines say more about you than about the Gauleiter and block wardens.
Antwort von domain:

Do you Debonnaire that I have invented the term itself?
Googling will help, keyword: Stimmfühlung etc.
Antwort von aerobel:

I must give the Debonnaire absolutely right: as much as petty bureaucracy in Germany one finds nowhere else in the world.
As some would have the pants, if one merely expresses the idea to do something creative and make minimal cost recovery.
Business license, tax office, and what there is still so at all offices, everything must be tried first, before an idea is only half thought out.
As a Swiss I see something different: A few contemporaries make their little Nebengeschäftchen not speak great (especially not with German ...) and is good about it.
What is that petty bureaucrats mind, that you make yourself not just your life miserable, but at the same time synonymous destroyed the whole country and also it makes you so synonymous equal before the civilized world totally ridiculous.
This is my opinion as a small self-employed person Swiss ...
Antwort von mann:
Lives and produced, instead of getting bogged down your total energy with the detection of violations alleged against laws and rules! You are synonymous the only I know the country, which, besides the regular police, an additional Schattenaufpassmacht to order office holds with, so then synonymous certainly the two ultimate from the police overlooked cm from the Feldchen parked vehicle or the 4 cm above the neighboring fence hanging out hazel can be punished! Ridiculous! With the setting 'likely' You do not actually work as a computer specialist for the police command in the canton of Bern. Try to optimize so that the disdain of you, "Detection of alleged violations of laws ...."
Do not know you and have nothing against you, but your CV is / was on the net, so I'm here so the time built in my opinion ...
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Do not know you and have nothing against you, but your CV is / was on the net, so I'm here so the time built in my opinion ... Since he's not (any longer) is to edit since PowerMac him abused in public (!), You can now get out your lines again. Merci!
My private life does not belong in this forum. I somehow do not comprehend it, why do you think always having to shoot back with such means, instead of remaining at the same level. A minimum of fairness and respect would be synonymous in the supposedly anonymous Onlnie world attached, thank you!
Antwort von Riki1979:

That's pretty hot ne discussion here! But I would now like to come as the questioner back to my original theme back!
Antwort von Debonnaire:
But I would now like to come as the questioner back to my original theme back! What he needs for? But all is answered!
Antwort von Riki1979:
What he needs for? But all is answered! Well, how about because for example with THOSE prices here:
DVD = 25 ¬, BluRay = 30 ¬.
Antwort von gunman:
What he needs for? But all is answered!
Well, how about because for example with THOSE prices here:
DVD = 25 ¬, BluRay = 30 ¬. Hi,
In my opinion, it comes at the price to induce striking mainly on s.WIE LONG s.Schnitt You worked un appealing as the film has become.
I would show the finished version to someone who knows and then set in his opinion, and taking into account the price of your time involved.
Is the film as well made and so long by 30-50 minutes (without being boring) I could live with thee of the above prices for DVD and BluRay well.
As for the tax office, so I can think of Debonnaire connect only (I'm from Luxembourg) not immediately s.ein tax haven ...- think people leave the church in the village!
Antwort von soan:

The "price" for a medium with similar content should always be proportionate to the quality. What do you expect to hear here?
If you are a forest and meadows Films with appropriate quality I would say: 1,20 ¬ per Bluray because that is - shockingly grottig!
If you are a Pro with an appropriate output would be appropriate for me 12.30 - for Grandma Gerda also? No idea ...
This answer can ONLY give you the customer himself and not one (sorry) verwarztes forum with would-be film-Heiopeis (you spell that right??) * gg * Please accept with humor!
How can we please give this a constructive question of replies if you have no your own:
- Quality
- Time
- Outlay
- Clients
etc knows?
Pffft ... the question of price announcements and customers is good. They either pay it or you have to prostitute yourself to stop reinzubekommen even a few dollars ...
Or do you want
- Take grotto for poor quality because only 120 ¬ that is the unanimous opinion or
- Take absolutely phenomenal quality 1.80 euros because the one advocated here?
Awake at times - establish your expenses, calculate from your desired hourly wage, investigating the unit price and look what happens.
(As to me the other day an editor said: "Under 200 ¬ per hour I do not work" I had to swallow pretty with my "I work for 60 ¬ an hour-altitude flight ;-)
Antwort von iMac27_edmedia:

If gunman tax havens seek, and Greece, as many people pay no tax because one need not synonymous not Switzerland and Luxembourg, people will always be caught s.der limit and the money confiscated by the state to it in support of countries such as Greece to use ;-)