Frage von inethacker:
Hello again,
occasionally arise with small digital still image video camera :-), with the properties of 640x480, 10fps, 11kHz, 8 bit, mono
How would you to render in Premiere CS3, what codec, what settings? I would be very nice xvid (just the experience). The source material should not deteriorate as a result are presented, however, should in einm format that almost any computer can interpret and if there is no greater than before would be a particular advantage.
How would you render?
Aufm PC are currently usdrauf DivX and ffdshow.
PS: With the codecs synonymous know I still nciht so :-) If, however, change.
Thanks for the advice.
Antwort von Supaeasy:

So I'd just as the whole dv rendering (yes, this is bigger), so you have a loss-free basis and then searched in a convenient format such as Quicktime with. H264 encoding and a data rate of about 1000 kb / s encoding. It looks good and is quite small. Otherwise, data rate down until you can no longer look like ;-)