Frage von jafeth:
Hello, I recently produced low-budget films to ... apparently very popular! But I am not satisfied with the quality. That would be unthinkable synonymous, because I quite simply a CANON IXUS 40 use. This is very good, but I wish me a movie in Stiegerung turning. I would like to have a real and serious comments and tips. Which Camera is s.besten? I need one that does not have 400 euros, which both distorts and portaritaufnahme nciht but synonymous with the video is better than turning this what I show here. I do not know whether the video can be Embedder. If not sorry for the code here for the text and then send video to look.
I'm sorry that my first entry here with a link start :-( but how else am I the "quality" of my previous films. Thank you!
Jafeth Mariani
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<embed> </ embed> <br> <a> New Fashion Girl, Photoshooting Outdoor. </ a> - <a> Amazing videos are here </ a>
Antwort von jafeth:

ok, the Embedder has probably not work sorry
Antwort von Axel:
ok, the Embedder has probably not work sorry Salut,
I think
it worked. I would not s.dem film herumkritteln technically, I think the motives simply incredibly dull, and the model runs through the depressing surroundings, as if they get bored. Arrogant expressionlessness is a proven recipe for fashion, but only in a context elegant understatement. The Stretchlimo does the opposite, and the deserted Ferris wheel would be a good subject for a horror film. Why, everything in the world, everything is just so gray?
Antwort von dotterbart:

I think Model and Fashion bilder, where everything is always just Glamourous a la Paris Hilton represent perfect world .... boring. I show a girl who tries, in a dreary environment to bring sunshine. to their art. it is like in a movie like HEAT or MIAMI VICE (not the series, FILM). a bridge or a limousine should not (for me) or MAKE MONEY rich or show, but calmly to show that it is "Monster", which are in kontarst to the girl. Objekte King Kong ... and the white woman-contrast. But ok, taste is tasteless
Antwort von PowerMac:

For me laberst you have a very nice shit. But apart from the art:
the problem of your camera is their leadership and the staging. You have no light, no great attitudes and a lot Gewackel. From s.kommt and rudimentary feeling or MTV-style over, quite often, but nix. Work first s.der Kadrage and the light. Ne-DV camera for 400-euro brings da erstmal nothing. What you lack is a Digibeta for 40,000. The right which might bring. Down, I see no additional benefit in a 400-euro Camera.
Antwort von Axel:
... I show a girl who tries, in a dreary environment to bring sunshine. .. what about shining light explains. But it
does not work as you hope it to you. Not so over.
But ok, taste is tasteless Nope, because your intention to have you so clear. From Paris Hilton has never been any question. If the girl in the gray sun will bring, it must be something more ambitious. And anyway: Think fashion is not the dress?
Antwort von robbie:

I have since probably one of my previous speakers have said. whether you a better camera, something really useful, is probably not the question. you will be synonymous with a DigiBeta not able to make better pictures.
First you should know when your next revolving note the following tips:
-use a tripod
the cut-in movement, and not before the beginning of the movement set *
-nice weather while rotating
the glow effect bouncer times
and always keep working on it. The approaches are there, and well synonymous. but now you have the desire to have training.
proud-forward, where angels fear ...- differ
schöne grüße,
* I use my example as the scene where the dame in front of tousle start ... if you cut a few frames later, that would have the whole lot of professional ...
synonymous or where you design the bridge of films below. first few seconds, one element, then a slower vieeel to swivel along the structural ... better in the same swivel start;)
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

One hardly dares to, to what to say. But I want synonymous times my opinion is irrelevant kund do.
I think low budget should not be confused with low Ahnung be. Images, which consist of "cheap" equipment occur, you can of course as a style resort. The apologies but no settings and unmotivated blurred image. So a real "fashion-feeling" has not set with me, somehow the whole thing looks as if the same girls undress ... ahem ...
But it was after "how do better," asked.
Under the camera, especially if these small and light, heard a decent tripod. For the "rides" would be a floating system should be considered.
The pictures must be better, more reading, Learn, Practice ...
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Probably the video would be a better car, if the lady would actually take off.
Antwort von grovel:

The video would not be better, but it would certainly synonymous viewers, which is not merely for the purpose of criticism at beginner mistakes but because of the content.
I must synonymous speakers disagree. Most DV cameras will help you in a better film. 1. Is the picture better, so you can actually rotate s.den screws and not lose the whole picture information as in your clip. 2. Is a least rudimentary Image Stabilization in it, because the jitter is probably the main problem with your clip.
Nevertheless - if you're not ready to learn VIEL nobody will want to watch your clips - you have to offer and a show that needs to be learned. The argument that fashion surely goes to the clothes (the ones in your models but not in the focus, or total überstrahlt, or their colors Desaturation by a total loss) you should note synonymous.
s.Vernünftige Camera (depends of your total budget)
b) Dir 1000 Fashion Clips purely drag and try to see how the guys do.
c) Basic camera techniques to learn
d) A steady hand to keep
e) tests, the picture during the filming toll get added when a recording is boring you can not get through filter interesting.
f) you put together a team. I suspect that time that you've filmed for two - this is not enough. In fashion photography, you need (necessarily) a make-good and someone who you can help with the illumination. The pros do not have to be someone who has good makeup and hair can be (and is possibly with the designer before abspricht) sufficient. Even a mirror you can with a large styrofoam plate and aluminum foil loosely even tinker with, but someone must stop him.
SeeYa Groveler
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

Hello jafeth,
"... Hello, I recently produced low-budget films die ... apparently very popular! But I'm not too ..." You need me to help the jumps.
For whom are these fashion Clips "Outshooting" determined? What happens with these small clips are only put on line?
Did you here on behalf of "fair luxury" filmed. Was the budget so lean this company.
Did you have no influence on Choice of Models and location?
Although I have no idea of your equipment, but it seems that a better video camera synonymous better results.
Perhaps there are more movies of yours!
Viele Grüße Jürgen F
Antwort von beiti:

As long as you turn out, you'll synonymous with a cheap DV camera very (technically) viable results. Even a 250-euro camcorder of Aldi would have to shoot even more possibilities than (as in your case) a still camera in video mode.
Beautiful would be an option for manual white balance, so the colors are no longer quite so random.
Instead stabilizer, I would you like to recommend a decent tripod (eg Velbon DV -5000). Again, this has technical reasons: The less you shaky, the more high-quality video can be compressed for the web.
Last, you need to get (if not already present) a firewire socket on the PC and a good software, with which you cut, possibly farbkorrigieren and finally into the Windows Media format or RealOne format can convert.
Camcorder, tripod, firewire card and software should be available to be 400 euros.
So much for the technical page. The rest is (anzulesendes) expertise, experience, feeling for the effect of light - and a talent for improvisation on the spot. And according to one interesting locations and Models of course, all this helps little.
Antwort von MrMumpitz:

Sama muck do you want me? So ein Scheiß hab ich ja noch nie gesehen. Du film with automatic. The Picture wobbles like a shelf, shitty motives, unimaginative and then this ugly Tussi ... Let the "film" rather be. Sorry if I'm so common, but if you are not talking klartext reached you nix.
Antwort von Axel:
Sama muck do you want me? So ein Scheiß hab ich ja noch nie gesehen. Du film with automatic. The Picture wobbles like a shelf, shitty motives, unimaginative and then this ugly Tussi ... Let the "film" rather be. Sorry if I'm so common, but if you are not talking klartext reached you nix. "Guest" I vehemently opposed. Expressed that the style will the means (Digicam out of hand, no control over the light, naïve model) and experience (reasoned choice motive, the effect of her totally incorrectly) are missing, it was clear enough. What you write here is not helpful and one as a prime example in
Antwort von PowerMac:

The video function of the Ixus is not so bad. I have a few years ago with a Panasonic in New Zealand DVX100AE ne Doku rotated. My traveling companions and protagonist had Ixus ne 40th And the videos were partially damn good! They had ne geile Color and NEN super look. Digibeta-moderate. In the darkness, she then gerauscht and the colors were flat, but in good light - better than the 10-12 so expensive video camera. I invite later perhaps a few stills high ...
Ergo: the camera is pretty good if they are properly serviced. (It is synonymous White Balance settings and more complex picture.) And staged works. In my experience you really must Digibeta with his head in order to correct the images are better for you. Remember: the scenic and prepared the rotation, the less important is the quality of the camera, because you can adjust to them. With its Fummel camera can shoot well staged, but interviews in the city? Especially since you need a well built camera with good ergonomics, to adapt to the diverse, changeable conditions constantly adjust them.
Antwort von MrMumpitz:

Yes, yes ... And in 2 years, the news only with the mobile phone of the director rotated.
Digicams are what young people who want to record when drinking because they are at 1.5 Promille White balance can no longer operate (which they can not synonymous sober). I recently had once again one in the hand, because my camera had no film more. That was the purest horror:
From a distance of 50cm could represent nothing more sharply. No. Fokusierungsmöglichkeiten etc. .. Still, the digital world Analogue not completely removed. Fortunately!
Antwort von MrMumpitz:
The video function of the Ixus is not so bad. I have a few years ago with a Panasonic in New Zealand DVX100AE ne Doku rotated. My traveling companions and protagonist had Ixus ne 40th And the videos were partially damn good! They had ne geile Color and NEN super look. Digibeta-moderate. In the darkness, she then gerauscht and the colors were flat, but in good light - better than the 10-12 so expensive video camera. I invite later perhaps a few stills high ...
Ergo: the camera is pretty good if they are properly serviced. (It is synonymous White Balance settings and more complex picture.) And staged works. In my experience you really must Digibeta with his head in order to correct the images are better for you. Remember: the scenic and prepared the rotation, the less important is the quality of the camera, because you can adjust to them. With its Fummel camera can shoot well staged, but interviews in the city? Especially since you need a well built camera with good ergonomics, to adapt to the diverse, changeable conditions constantly adjust them. Huh?
Such a contribution of thee?
But right hast du
In photography, there are a few sizes (Answers; Saudek ... etc) until today with the ancient cameras make their images, sometimes even in s / w.
The pixels are not the message. But something you can do it easier for your audience with a more balanced camera work and shove it.
Antwort von beiti:
Remember: the scenic and prepared the rotation, the less important is the quality of the camera, because you can adjust to them. A true word!
The video function of the Ixus is not so bad. Now I am curious. I own the Powershot A520 and video function never used. If these things really so much s.Qualität have increased?
With my previous digicams, I had the tests done and see themselves on the other hand, today's cell phone videos are good. :)
Antwort von *the.jokeR*:

terrible camera work ... because you will not kammera what the world .... would be like with its stadycam or Shaft?