Frage von swantje:
I've been here with all sorts of ram preview quality and reduce probiert etc (the ramvorschau renders only the first minute and I can not synonymous in the middle to start, he always jumps s.den top.), but it can actually no different than what I am doing wrong fundamental:
my 3-minute film has 36MB audio - but this should be compared to the huge quantities of image data to be no problem.
I need so synonymous of 25 frames, for the preview of my 12 and verpixelt, but please with ton.
I use cs3 to his mac, n.wieviel ramhier in it.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

If you now synonymous still ask the question, then after that you can talk safely be synonymous HELPED! - Say, you have your own contribution actually read a single time before you have sent him?
Antwort von Jörg:
and I can not synonymous in the middle to start, he always jumps s.den home. You RAM preview starts where you define the beginning, that's what makes it work with the markers in the upper part of the window.
How long does the preview, with determines the amount of RAM, the Vorschauqualtät and the opportunities of the time controls.
Antwort von Jake the rake:

Under "Settings" -> "Audio Hardware" the correct driver selected?
The small Tonsymbol (usually top right) in the window "time control" to "On" gestellt?
The correct format?
ev helps
Antwort von swantje:

many thanks for the reply.
I get it now thanks jörg out, 2 minutes ram preview with sound to create.
jake, the left can not go more ...
@ debonnaire,
out of my thread is actually already showed it to me to preview it with ton ...
I go right in assuming that I do not come around, the full 3 minutes to export to times all at once (@ debonnaire WITH SOUND) to see?
without a ton, he plays with it so instead of 25 frames with 10 or so. yes that's enough for me to judge NEN look. does not work that way with sound?
strikes me as absurd as it does not find
Antwort von Jake the rake:
(...) I right in assuming that I do not come around, the full 3 minutes to export to times all at once (...) Yes
strikes me as absurd as it does not find If the RAM is full, he is fully nunmal!
Antwort von swantje:

ok thank
yes, just as I said, a soundtrack has eg 40MB, which should be the host in comparison to the image data volume is not overwhelming, and except synonymous no program I know so overwhelmed:)
Antwort von Jake the rake:

Is nunmal from the RAM and not the stuff dfd ...
Antwort von Commanderjanke:

tja Schatzi, the Ram is no preference, but the audio track has only 36MB, he invites you stop the track and there are audio and video together nunmal!
Just so I have to comparative and 8GB Ram Vista64 and effects depending on how much and what material or (DV or HDV), I have AECs4 synonymous schonmal only 50sec. Real-time preview.
Antwort von Jake the rake:

Where potter since the whole effect? The more you cook your own soup, the more disorganized RAM verbraten and the less is available for your preview available ...
Antwort von swantje:

is still nonsense:
he could be synonymous with the gb of which he is not normal for ne-ram preview 30MB abknapsen used for the ton. ton creates any other program synonymous and saves s.bild where ne reduction times few hundred mb total.
I throw so synonymous not be the first to topple out of the car If too heavy, but the sack of cement. Think!
Antwort von Commanderjanke:

The question is not what you would do, but what makes After Effects and for a program effect is the sound numal secondary.
Because really is just the effect and then produces the appropriate sound and then anything placed appropriately with the music mix.
To look to judge you need but no sound comes from the name already: LOOK!
If other programs so well why can not you take?
Antwort von swantje:

I do trickfilm, and sets the tone as often synonymous beforehand wenns grad with language is.
da gibts anything to do for the man synonymous must hear the sound.
well, after all was the program that I've previously used, yet terrible in other ways. (tvpaint) so I'm really pleased with s.zu work.