Frage von sunlite:
I have a small question. I have a small video sequence with just more than 25 frames (1 sec). For these 25 frames I have now but a few things herausretuschieren.
Now I read that it is with Photoshop CS3 is going to be the whole image sequence to load and edit.
So now I invite the image sequence into Photoshop and then do I edit the first frame. Is there the possibility to change this car to all subsequent frames to be applied (ie, Photoshop is now so intelligent and detects the color).
The scene itself is a person who is of a piece of the Camera wegdreht. This person has in their shirt, a rose stuck. The rausretuschiert must be.
How do I s.geschicktesten the start? Did you perhaps synonymous good tutorials, sites, etc.?
Thank you
Antwort von Axel:

The Photoshop is similar to how practically with a poultry shears to cut the toenails.
How would you do in Photoshop wegkriegen the Rose? Either with the copy stamp or with the lasso + "paste" a portion of the shirt / background about copying.
That is, you can probably in your NLE, but in any case in AAE. You duplizierst the whole clip on one level and move on and transformierst him that shirt and the rose background always obscure. Now that the upper level, the bottom
completely hidden, you draw a rough mask mask with a soft edge on the roof Rose-patch. Roughly, because you're very likely the mask over time with keyframes need to move.
It lasts for 25 frames are not longer than a
careful retouching of a photograph. And 25 careful retouching would much rather stand out as a slovenly. It paints a different dimension in time.
Also, a checkered shirt would not be a big problem. Since the problem would be
the guy with a lumberjack shirt s.ein Rose's. The best away altogether with the. This could however be a little more complicated!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

PS Yes you could take, but in large areas such as the Rose may not be correct.
Like Axel said, the use of AAE but then that's better. because you can find good tutorials video2brain LernDVDs otherwise halt or Tray-Books / Magazines alá DOCMA etc.
For small or large Retouching Matte Paintings (eg. Background Picture create) because PS can sometimes be necessary or advantages.
So to your questions:
... Because AAE for 25 frames but is too expensive, you can use PS.
Yes ... you can change / effects on other levels, or frames to use .... but sometimes you need a batch create.
And since you only have 25 frames, you can actually save the.
Generally, however, everything depends on the Picture s.and the effect you want to achieve. Sometime there is no longer AAE rum.
Try times with filter masks and liquefaction / stamp tool in PS, then shows how it looks.
Put all the changes in separate levels. Grouping these if everything fits and you like this group copy on the next frame.
Then a bit of everything via Distort to adjust or move / resize options, and this should be in good PS work.
B. DeKid
Antwort von sunlite:

hi leute,
thank you for your tips. with the programs that is not a problem, since all the uni s.den computers are installed. of so I can use synonymous afterfx. I have now made synonymous: main level, provide a adjustment layer and the mask in this for the rauszuretuschierende blume. tilt-feather nicely and then a high dust & scratches on it and then turn the radius beautiful nature. because the rose on a relatively plain surface sits (ie, no transition of black and white or so) and the rose directly s.dem clothing is appropriate (ie not in a jacket pocket or something's), it has to be this worked quite well. thank you very much:)
schöne grüße