Frage von luximage:Hello,
we have a problem with Avid.
If we HD material of a P2 card and want to restore the setting "Enable AMA Volume Management" is enabled, you can be on the "Link to AMA Volume" wonderfully choose the material and time.
Then you can, however, the P2 cards are not so easily removed, but the program needs only to obtain a card issued to them and another to be able to plug it.
This naturally affects the workflow.
We select the "Always mount volume, do not check for modifications", then it is in the card simply removed without Avid to close.
But then there is on the File tab, only the function "Import P2". Does it now have this feature on the P2 card in Cardslot too, and wants the clips on the card, the message "No clips were found! Are you sure you selected a P2 media directory?"
What is wrong? Can you just import if you have "Link to AMA Volume" is? And, but must then take in Purchase, Avid every time to close the card if you would like to change?
Thanks and greetings!
Antwort von tommyb:
Card inside -> Mount
Map out -> unmounting