Frage von yaboo:
Perhaps someone can help me here --
I'm looking for a project the tool or plugin
with which this music video was created here:
Anyone know how I can generate this flowing "ink effect" and with what resources the agency has "BL: ND worked" here?
I searched the net but unfortunately so far found nothing which I could help ...
For each tip, I would be very grateful ...
Antwort von lonja:

Easy to work with liquids before a Keybar background. . Pusten Filming. Keyen. Compositing. And ready.
So I would do it.
Good luck.
Antwort von freee-d:

hi yaboo
you already have something new about the effect rausgefunden? I would be interested in that is synonymous burning. I s.freitag a presentation on the effects musikvideo think. bescheid please tell me how it goes. or a link
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Formerly called the Mandelbrot set
/ E
Antwort von Stefan:

We find the net a lot about the keyword with Rorschach (Rorschach or misspelled), ink blots, Gnarls
The video is certainly a mix of "accidental" and Inkbildern of real images that have been transformed into Inkbilder (mainly) faces.
For a picture I found a PS tutorial:
In the video surely come further effect techniques for application-level overlay example and morphing
The makers are BL: ND
The music is cool ;-)
Good luck
The thick Stefan
PS: When you browse, I'm pushed to Toolfarm - is it worth?
Antwort von lonja:

For is it not under your posting. The people are provided with so ner type threshold, or very strong color reduction. And the graphics are aufmaskiert. And will the whole s.der means axis.
Good luck