Frage von Moik:
Hi Folks
I work just s.einem project, where I pretty much outside filming .... hab will finally tried the landing of an airplane with us s.flughafen to film and the recording is really awful it had become so at the 0 degree, Faben echt grauslich were synonymous and the focus I have not managed to .......
with such cold temperatures should be very warm color temperature or adjust? because otherwise siehts yes even colder from .... and the white balance and white is synonymous not really work ..... somehow it is always so yellow and orange advised ......
I film with sony vx 1000 and I will warscheinl a hollow XM2 to help me ........ but would prefer everything with my vx to film
thank you in advance for lg
Antwort von T-mo:

Hello Moik,
you write of your color and your white balance wrong. Although I know your camera but do not usually provide you with the correct white balance color temperature A.
If you do not focus properly, I advise you achieved a total picture to select and set a higher aperture, thereby increasing your depth of field.
Also, I recommend the white balance with a standard gray card to sample and using a reference monitor, if it exists, to check your Picture.
Weak colors are OK, that's just bad weather. As a tip I give you on the way into the post-production or in your editing program to edit the colors. Slightly more saturation and black worth it because a lot from.
Antwort von K.-D. Schmidt:
with such cold temperatures should be very warm color temperature, or warm? The color has nothing to do with the outside to do!
And beware of being the manual white balance with the help of the white snow to make. At best, you recreate the fixed value of "outside", then the colors are reasonably realistic.
Antwort von deti:

... when filming outdoors this winter, it is especially true cold. I recommend mittens with soft-dome abklappbarer (so you can still use the camera) and at least 5 layers of clothes and a tight cap. Hot tea or something like that helps in the very Rumsteherei synonymous ...
Shooting At The Batteries keep nice and warm - s.besten stuck in your pocket. Blue Sky is a must - there's no compromising (unless you want a really kontrast have free soup). Care: cold and clammy fingers make superficial - rather again check all the settings and prefer to make a Take more ...
Antwort von Pianist:
with such cold temperatures should be very warm color temperature or adjust? because otherwise siehts yes even colder from .... Reasoning: If you take the keys very warm color temperature, ie below of 6000 Kelvin, the Picture cooler. This may be desirable, because the snow on a "yes" sometimes a little bluish synonymous occurs, at least in the shade. If you but a lot to catch high color temperature, for example, the white in the shade at about 8,000 Kelvin machst and then go into the sun, then the picture is much too brown.
I would just be careful how it looks in the original Picture and what impression you want to achieve. With sunshine and blue skies, you can the white synonymous directly on the snow making. In the shade you need to watch out that no high color temperature is measured and the Picture to brown. I can fortunately my Konversionsfilterrad separated by Graufilterrad move, so I quickly released synonymous times after snout by 2,000 Kelvin above or below can differ and I've never missed since. One must also know how your own camera reacts in certain situations and the try. I am just up to me sometimes, because what I have done just exactly what color and I've measured. You can then remember for the future.
Antwort von Pianist:
And beware of being the manual white balance with the help of the white snow to make. Why should he be careful? If the conditions and the desired impression Picture permit, he can certainly do. Or at least try and make different variations.
Antwort von K.-D. Schmidt:
Why should he be careful? For the reasons of you described.
Of course he can make it, as you've described so synonymous.
I had just not feel like it (like you) are out first, not because I wanted to write so much because I do not know, secondly, with what camera he is filming.
I can fortunately my Konversionsfilterrad separated by Graufilterrad move, so I quickly released synonymous times after snout by 2,000 Kelvin above or below can differ I synonymous
and since I've never missed. ditto
Antwort von domain:

And I do not synonymous.
Four light sources (color), I chose the fittest: pictures in overcast skies or shade, sunlight, halogen lighting and normal incandescent light in that descending order.
Every other White Balance spot strikes me as rather strange practice, will hold later in the NLE done with snow and you have to increase the exposure a bit, so he is not exposed to medium gray is.
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

I have the VX 1000 Page 1996, it was one of the first. And I can only say, White Balance, as usual, on a sheet of paper, batteries in the bag, not the camera into the warm and cold start wear, but pre. The cam can do everything without the stress.
Then the null problem. Colors are OK. Everything else are you doing s.NLE. So there should be no problems, except maybe cold hands. But so is the film ;-)) I did a film last year on a Telkomast rotated, in the winter. At the end I was so durchgefroren that myself with Tripod no longer quiet images've done ;-)))
You can do this!
Antwort von Moik:

hehe thank you understand me well s.besten:)
habs s.freitag filmed and am actually very happy .......
the interview, I rotated out ..... hab mir oje first thought it is a bit too orange become s.bildschirm but I was surprise how well it ago ..... I do come out the cam is a very loud noise makes me .... was not previously aware of it, because I really only used in sports or have at skateboarding .... but I lend me today from an external micro and werd nochmal s.wochenende interview the film ....
thank you for your advice
mfg michael