Frage von martha:Subject: Canon XM2 Camcorders
Which is the better osMikros (), perhaps for what purpose. And does anybody know if I need for the micro-hama any adapter?
lg martha
Antwort von beiti:
Coincidentally, I have these two microphones here. ;)
I use both, because each has certain advantages and disadvantages.
Sound is superior to the PMT 10, and it was synonymous better directivity. Moreover, one can not only use the camera, but synonymous s.mitgelieferten 7-meter cable to bring closer to the object or to use as a reporter microphone.
The DM-50 can optionally include in stereo and is in many situations of practical use, because it requires neither a battery nor an external cable. They hit it sets, and it works.
If you want to use the PMT-10 on the XL2, you need a mono adapter (mono phone jack to stereo jack), because otherwise you've only got the sound in the left lane and then would have to distribute the post again on both tracks . Alternatively, you could nip off from the supplied coil cord mono-Male and solder a stereo views, which saves the adapter, and possibly associated with loose contacts.
Antwort von martha:
Thank you for your response suuuuuuper insightful and suuuuuuuuperschnelle. Now Is the canon-micro (besides its simplicity) synonymous another advantage, because it's expensive synonymous (although I do not know what the adapter costs) .... lg martha
Antwort von beiti:
As I said, it can absorb in stereo. I have no more advantage.
If you want a microphone that you only use the camcorder, the DM50 is worth considering - especially if you go "reportagemäßig" films, such as synonymous on vacation.
In all other cases, the RMZ10 is the better (and also cheaper) solution. Forget the adapter. Solder simple) plug to a stereo (or let him solder of someone.
Important when using external microphones, the headset controls at any rate, to sound off problems (empty battery, loose contacts recognize) early.
Antwort von Klaus Zimmer:
this, I would have 2 questions:
What makes an 'external' Micro in respect of the built-in Micro XM2? The differences are so great?
Does this Hama Micro not synonymous in a stereo version? I once looked in the catalog, but it is not clear what would fit on the XM2 synonymous ..
Thank you. Klaus
Antwort von beiti:
Sound an external Micro will not bring much benefit in the stereo mode, as long as it sits directly on the camera.
Some mini-camcorders, External already worth the drive to reduce the noise, but in this respect, the XM2 with its protruding Micro cuts already quite good.
The external Miko gets really interesting when it is as a mono-directional micro-uses. When it comes to the separation of lateral frontal goes against noise, are obtained with the external shotgun a significant improvement. This already holds for the shotgun mode of DM50, the RMZ10 even aimed a little better.
In situations where you want any intrinsic noise of the camera (and synonymous operating noise of the cameraman) are suppressed, one has with the external micro, additional options, one can in a rubber suspension (eg mount of Beyerdynamic) and / or a piece of Place the head of the cameraman away. All this would of course only with the RMZ10 go, not with the DM50.
The biggest quality gain achieved in many situations, but only when they unleashed the microcode of the camera and brings close s.The sound source. This can be done s.einer fixed position (eg speaking) or with a Tonangel. For such purposes, the RMZ10 offers with its 7-meter cable certain freedoms.
For longer cables, of course, would need balanced connections via XLR. Then there must be another Micro synonymous, because the RMZ10 can spend only asymmetrically.