Frage von Cutter-21:
In the advertising brochures of Adobe unique one often reads of the integration of After Effects, Encore, Audition and Premiere Pro.
I would be interested so far what it has to integrate with After Effects and Premiere Pro btw off. Does this mean I can slide AFX-compositions via the clipboard (copy & paste) into Premiere, and vice versa, without me having to export the material here erstmal (and possibly render)? If so, would be interested to know how this works?
Schankedön of Andy.
Antwort von Asmus:

There were (are) of Gerhard Koren as a replay of this year's Digital Cutting Fair in Munich, since the issue is once raised. But does not know himself how far the "integration" of the Programs is ... The movies you find on which clip is that I know but no more.
Hope that helps!