Frage von Max75:
I would like a small trailer at a DVD s.Anfang can play and he will then proceed flush to the main menu. In addition, I would love to play all the time an audio piece that is either already in the loop during the intro trailer or s.dem main menu should be a piece of music on the whole DVD with main menu and listen with the embedded videos in the background.
Unfortunately, it has not yet really gefunzt, I have tried the following:
First, transcodes the trailer, then as a "First Play" is set, then the end action for the trailer to "Standard menu" changed, then I have to transcode audio track to the main menu in "Menu Properties" link in audio and have the loop number to " Unlimited "switch.
The whole, I then looked at me as an image file.
The result was that quite s.Anfang (for about 1 sec) my main menu is then released once the trailer has started and is then switched to the main menu. But I could click my main menu on any button because it's like a Stillimage's behavior, the audio track has indeed begun, but otherwise I could not do anything more.
Maybe one of you an idea how I could transpose the whole, might be better than super.
Antwort von Axel:

While I go out of DVD Studio Pro, but the principle will be the same:
The intro and the menu are the same track and with one and the same audio file. Both must s.der place s.der the menu will start with the visible buttons, his loopbar, that somehow this must be a small break or a suitable new recording of the musical theme. The whole thing is imported from a menu. Somewhere, there is then a field, prompting the one hand, specify the
loop points, who is by default at 00:00:00:00. Here just enter the new time code.
1. The transition of "Intro" to the "menu" is seamless.
2. The buttons appear only s.dem loop points .*
3. As the name suggests the menu repeats itself s.diesem point.
* Here is a hint to 2: I blinded the button before the loop points (gently into After Effects). The transition to the overlay versions of the buttons is always a little visible, but with patience and precision for your eyes only.
Antwort von Max75:

Hallo erstmal Thanks for the reply
So I have the Progi Encore 1.5.1, but just as you described it funtzt not say it with me: I have the intro trailer for a piece of the musical piece to be looped over the main menu even a small part cut out so that it fit together with the main menu, so to speak, the intro has a soundtrack here just as long as the intro is stop, then it should proceed to the main menu, and I have it connected but not doing it because every time the intro is by and then it will go into selection menu is While the Picture menu, but unfortunately only as Stillimage ie I can click a single button because it behaves like a Stillimage, oh yes, the song playing during the main menu and the synonymous in the loop will stop but unfortunately nothing more.
Antwort von topgun271:

Salut, Max
determines the method works, as I have described, synonymous with AE1.5.1. However, just exactly as I described it (perhaps the loop points, "repeat item" or "loop in words" because you just have to translate). With some shredded files that will nix. The player profile and heard of one VOB to another, is a matter of experience. Your description is somewhat vague, but you obviously still a bug in it. Concludes with the cross-platform tips, question goes back to the forum.
Antwort von topgun271:

Okay, maybe there's still a misunderstanding. I'll give an example:
Intro and menu of a splatter movie:
Tension music. A butcher's knife flew into the gleaming black Picture and slits on it, a video slides out of the slot (Scene 1). The knife falls clattering to the ground (of course titlesafe). The process is repeated with a second meter for 2nd Scene During the re-ripping blood running through the blade of knife 1, the music swells, the
Loop points
comes a bang. The blade of knife 1 now has a blood-red overlay. You click to the right, knife 1 clean again, this knife 2 has a bloody blade.
This is only
one video and
one audio. Would you separate the body before the drum roll intro and menu, so as two separate, but (as of
end action or whatever they call AE1.5.1) consecutive files are played, the player must switch the picture flashes, the music stops abruptly.