Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Iphone soon synonymous with video capture and editing? Of rudi - 9 Apr 2009 14:03:00 The rumors condense that the Iphone with Firmware 3.0 s.Sommer not only video clips with the integrated image sensor can be recorded. Even a small mini-cut application seems to be integrated. At least, several developers in the resource files of the new SDK corresponding icons found that hardly any other conclusion.
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Antwort von B.DeKid:

Cool gabs is not synonymous with the Game Boy Cam? -)
I look forward to the next "Cloverfield" on the iPhone completely rotated and cut.
Rumors to follow the plot could then look like this
"On a black Monday, the Wall Street broker Jim, the Amoklauf the DAX with his iPhone to have never been so consistently report refund as it is today"
B. DeKid
PS: Direct progi times in CAD design iSteady ne Nen iDolly ;-) I then build from Matchbox cars together ....
Antwort von Basti27:

Well, yes there are video tools is now synonymous for the iPhone already. Qualli but bitter ...
Would in any case ne thing nice ... well technically yes when the device no problem.
PS: Direct progi times in CAD design iSteady ne Nen iDolly ;-) I then build from Matchbox cars together .... Yes very cool idea haha ;-)