Frage von fachmann:
... so the judder disappears?
Hello experts,
I have regards a self-burned DVD, I have unfortunately not smoothly manage it. (Lately, I use Ulead VS 9 and have been receiving for the finite solid DVD's out.) Because I have no old DVD for the jerky AVI files, but only the jolting finished burned DVD, I want to try out this jerky DVD To make a non-jerky DVD.
Does anyone know a way to hinzubekommen this is? Special Programs you need it? It helps zurückzurendern to AVI and then re-render on Ulead VS 9 to a DVD?
The starting material was prepared Ulead VS 8 At the time of AVI files from a camcorder with DV tape (DV 1). The bucking concerns Picture and Sound. There's no pixelation. The Picture stops short and longer runs smoothly again. The problems always occur s.den same places. It is not, in principle, at sequences with fast moving picture.
I have with the program generates an AVI MPEG Mediator-file, but even more jerky than the MPEG source material. When you re-converting to an MPEG file with Ulead VS 9 there is again a juddering result synonymous when I have the subjective feeling as if the stuttering has decreased somewhat.
Greetings, professional
Antwort von Axel Rogge:
... so the judder disappears?
Greetings, professional Nope, it's clear :-). The Picture jerky, because in your DVD production process, the order of the fields was reversed. If you for example, with super from your mpeg-2 file of DVD a avi-file do it, but then swap the order of time ( "upper field first). Check out the avi then, it should by no longer to tremble. This file then re-compress with "lower field first".
Creepy here: you compress MPEG2 file to an mpeg2 file, so the quality will diminish. But surely it's better than shaking.
Good luck!
Axel Rogge
ps: and, it will work?
Antwort von camworks:

The fields can not be. he writes that it relates to image and sound! Also, the picture stops and then runs again.
Perhaps the data rate is too high for your player? norm is a maximum 10mbit/sekunde, many players can only 9 or 9.5 mbit / sec.
ne other idea I have not. we must look at, perhaps, then what about this one is a ...
Antwort von camworks:

Oh, I've got another idea:
burning the dvd times with 2x or 4x. Some players are not well clear when the dvd was burned with full speed. then read the trace several attempts, which would fit exactly on the symptoms.
Antwort von Gast1:

Professional @
Often overlooked is synonymous, that some players are synonymous at rates below 1,500 to stutter.
The bitrate viewer you can read the bit rate:
Antwort von Markus:

Other possible causes:
Problems with DVDs dive here on a regular basis
Antwort von Axel:
Oh, I've got another idea:
burning the dvd times with 2x or 4x. Some players are not well clear when the dvd was burned with full speed. then read the trace several attempts, which would fit exactly on the symptoms. Salut,
of the thread I started
Mittlerweile habe ich in meinem Fall die Ursache zweifelsfrei ermittelt:
Ich benutze seit etwa einem Jahr photoprintable Verbatim DVD-R, 1-16, with einem Pioneer 16fach Brenner. Dieser reagierte vor ein paar Wochen einfach nicht mehr, so daß ich ihn einschicken ließ. In der Zwischenzeit brannte ich die DVDs with meinem alten Sony4fach Brenner (die DVDs warben ja with "1-16 certified")* with "Write: Best". This - and only these - DVDs showing interference. A 4-fold blank burns Sonyimmer still function perfectly.
It can now be derived everyone does what suits him.
* Do not edit: actually, I just noticed. On the contrary, the "1x is 16x" small print as the warning: For use in 16 x DVD drives. Earlier drives may require firmware upgrade.
Firmware upgrade for a burner? A new burner!
Antwort von camworks:

Despite the verbatim response on markus' request I made to the contrary experiences:
I use printable Ritek G05 8X of the spindle and the best results in all players I find if I burn the 2-fold.
My burners are nec 4570A.
An exception is a dvd player and a kundin indeed a mustek. plays no dvd of me off, either rapidly or slowly roasted. it has been tested completely different blank, no chance. I really wonder, because that will be indeed a allesfresser. maybe he is synonymous defective.
Antwort von Markus:
Despite the verbatim response on markus' request I made to the contrary experiences ... ... which again shows once more that no one will fail to collect their own experiences and find the individual optimum.
Incidentally I burn with Pioneer burners (A05 and A06), but because I think the slow start-4x blanks, I have been looking for a new burner.
Antwort von fachmann:

Hi Folks,
Thanks for the help, but I still do not quite know what to do. I have a current DVD player, which was probably synonymous with high data rates would have to cope (on computer jerky way, synonymous) and below 1500 At the time, nothing guarantees set (I think it was something with 6000). Burned 'I always have with V max.
Now that everything works out, it's synonymous damn me, I will hinbekommen only this one old jerky DVD ...
Greetings, professional
Antwort von Markus:

Okay, then the MPEG2 - and audio file from the VOB container out copy (there are Programs that can rip the DVDs) and save both on hard drive. Then to create a new DVD-Video.
In between, check to see if maybe even the MPEG2 file jerky. Then you can save the authoring fact, there is then no longer be changed.