Frage von Altermann100:Hi folks,
'm a Sony fan, but I
have another JVC DVD Video Recorder, Type DR-MV 1 SE.Das unit had a defect, 1 month after the warranty period (2Jahre). I have an e-mail s.JVC sent, 1 week later, DHL, to the parcel, God still had the ne Originalkarton.Legte brief description of the error and purely s.ging the Post.Oh God - 4 days - then comes back with the package sender of the Fa-car audio-Service GmbH from Oberursel.Ich first thought that my device was not adopted, but when I auspackte a repair ticket and saw that I knew it was already! Repariert.Wahnsinn so schnell.Und what was still a hammer, - Free --. I think as a service you can find today, I am extremely selten.Sollte times in the future with any equipment problems, these above-mentioned company in the future I will always kontaktieren.Hoffe makes it so synonymous for private repair people.
Antwort von WINner:
Hope it makes it synonymous for private repair people. I hope not.
Otherwise you will find your phone number no longer in the Book, but in the list of the local bankruptcy court.
Despite a fine train of the people there.