Frage von assewolf:
Good evening,
I have Magix Video Deluxe 2007 Pros. I usually edit the films as 60 minutes and burn them on DVD. If the burn is jerky then stopped the DVD after some time when playing in DVD player.
The bit rate is higher and the other reserved for display slowly.
Now I have tried several bitrates but there is always the same problem.
What can I do so I use the DVD's reasonable aufm Television can see ?????
Thanks in advance s.euch
Antwort von Krummer Hund:
If the burn is jerky then stopped the DVD after some time when playing in DVD Player.Ich Now've tried several bitrates but there is always the same problem. Also have several times tried DVD player?
And "jerky" the synonymous s.Compi?
Antwort von jayt1234:

Yes several DVD makes no difference and the same aufm compi
Antwort von joerg-emil:

... then please write times, with what formats you BEFORE the final rendering of the DVD work. On cleanest do you work if you are of your camcorder via firewire as AVI yourself and those you just raw in your projects. Then the material is only in the last step in the MPEG format. Uses for example you use "video together," Magix renders in an intermediate cut parts of your videos into a Magix own format, then what in the last step again into MPEG rendered and at the wrong settings can lead Rucklern ...