Frage von wissenswerk:
Hello Forum,
now I stand before the difficulty of me between the LG L245WP monitor and the BenQ FP241W have to decide. The image qualities of both monitors regarding digital video signals seem to be very ähnmlich. However, the BenQ with analog signals after the test in the last video digital asset a worse figure. Hatt someone perhaps even both LCDs directly compared? Wants to Monitor for DV editing, but synonymous for occasional anaolge direct injection (1080i) on components.
Thanks in advance, knowledge work
Antwort von scream:

Get the COMPUTER VIDEO, issue 03/2007. There were six 24 "FullHD TFTs and tested the LG had the edge.
Antwort von wissenswerk:

Hi Karol,
Computer Video is unfortunately no article download s.and me I must really decide this weekend. Can you give me the strength of the LG compared to the Benq describe very briefly. Absolutely, I am of course synonymous to inetressiert what weaknesses in LG were criticized.
As already written, I want one on the monitor and cut to the other via component video directly to a fast Obduzierung einspiesen can and possibly future a HD player can connect directly.
Actually I was with the Benq sure, after he, according to the last active digital video (5 / 2007) in his illustration of a digital signal qualities of the LCD monitor of the reference tests, the JVC DT-V 24 L 1 D, comes close. But for analog signals, but it seems probably only moderate and, in particular Flash to deliver. Weakness of both is yes, the same: The Kontrastjustrierung is ungut with the brightness settings coupled.
Thanks and regards, knowledge work
Antwort von scream:

Give me your e-mail aDDy, then I'll send what to.
Antwort von wissenswerk:

Click on my user name and you have you.
Vieln Thanks in advance, knowledge work
Antwort von scream:

Mail is on the road.
Say please briefly bescheid obs has arrived.