Frage von Jürgen Krämer:
I'm just about to familiarize myself with the world of video editing. Smaller clips I have already mastered successfully with Adobe Premiere Pro. Now, however, stands on a larger video project: I have some tapes (MiniDV) of my last trip to South America, which I would now like to incorporate them in a kind of documentation. The target medium to be primarily a DVD that you can watch s.Television or via beamer.
Due to the length of the desired film (about 45min) I would like to divide the document in several chapters / sections.
My questions are this:
A. Would you be several () sequences of nested quasi-per section to create a sequence or all in a sequence in? In nested sequences, then all I can not export (in one go, or I got this wrong) and must somehow re-join on the DVD (authoring tool?).
As something I should pay attention to the (de-) interlacing?
C. Of course, the quality should be best on the DVD:) Is it worthwhile to buy a different MPEG encoder (eg, MainConcept MPEG Pro>> or something of Canopus? The differences are visible?
D. Do you have any other tips what to look for?
Thank you for your valuable tips! -Jurgen.
Antwort von Stefan:

A / I make for logically related sections of even their own projects. The final film will be created as a project in which will be imported to other smaller projects. I can export in one go, the final project. I like this way of working well because I do not always with the giant Mountain equipment must handle.
B / Yes, Let it (the deinterlacing be).
C / The MainConcept MPEG Encoder is still present at APP, or am I wrong here? I would spend extra money only if I am with a test version recognize significant differences.
D / Autosave you should do with not too long sections. No MP3 files brought into the cutting bar. Wash feet regularly.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Andre Steiger:

Hello Jürgen,
looking at you times of Bruno in the article, I am thinking beanwortet are some of your questions?
Hope that helps! Andre.
Antwort von Gul Dukat:

A / I make for logically related sections of even their own projects. The final film will be created as a project in which will be imported to other smaller projects. I can export in one go, the final project. I like this way of working well because I do not always with the giant Mountain equipment must handle.
.. I think this is a clumsy solution. I now have PPro first time under a 1.5 h post finished and have to say: PPro probably suitable for smaller projects (Holiday Film, Bridal, Short Film and short documentation), but everything is times longer than half an hour I see critical.
If your approach must create PPro each time the render files again (both for sub-projects and the "Final Assembly"). That is my opinion unnecessary waste of resources, since the (rendering and media) files, so once in the partial-and then created under the main project - both in terms of disk space, but by the time aspect utter nonsense especially.
Moreover, the approach is too inflexible synonymous. If you notice, at the final assembly that something else is correct, we can not do right in the main project, and believe me a little thing can always be found ;-)
Moreover inflates PPro for large projects correctly on - I had often the problem that was the message that my memory is running out (and this is 2GB of RAM). Huh??
I am afraid that this is not synonymous, there is THE solution. What would be the obvious approach, a major project to have and then within that project, the sub-projects each in separate timelines - build AEBR: Bad for the survey / bad memory because of the above problem. Perhaps my projects simply synonymous with large (on average I have s.The 50-70 GB DV-AVI to stuffed ...), or who would have a constructive solution proposal. Or what about with other software from solutions, Final Cut Pro and Co. are perhaps appropriate for this?
Grace. Gul Dukat
Antwort von AndyZZ:

I think Adobe Premiere Pro perfectly suited for large projects. All just a question of organization.
Example car meetings, 4 days, 7 h-DV video material.
Before the start of the whole capture and Schnittarie: to consider what one might divide the movie into chapters: first days, then to create events s.jeweiligen day => Folder and copy the rehearsed material according to the folders.
Project to create.
Sequences as determined by the chapters to create. Import the files into folders labeled according to the chapters. And then edit one sequence after another hard-working. The individual sequences summarized after a Komplettsequenz. Shall be rendered only at the player's turn, in rare cases, times in between a special effect (exception!).
I have no problems with memory or stability.
Corrosive is, unless you 5 or 7 h after the seed in a sequence and want to work there, which is then eternally slow. But would be an idiotic action ...
Antwort von Gul Dukat:
... Creating sequences according to established chapters. Import the files into folders labeled according to the chapters. And then edit one sequence after another hard-working. The individual sequences summarized after a Komplettsequenz. Shall be rendered only at the player's turn, in rare cases, times in between a special effect (except !)... The problem of inflexibility remains. You notice the final rendering that a transition is too short or the Sprecherton is mixed a little too softly
Subproject open> Effect Edit> Project Save> Open main project. And let some other things that is now his, but the elaborate (if you consider how long synonymous PPro still need to charge per project).
Grace. Gul Dukat.
Antwort von Markus:

Hi All,
each developed its own workflow with the time and I find it interesting to share with others. However, everyone should do what he thinks is right and sensible. Nobody knows his editing suite and its projects as well as the respective user.
Personally, I prefer to work synonymous with a major project rather than with many small, but at least when other Programs into play (eg, for music, SFX or 3D) will need a sophisticated organization here.
Antwort von Gul Dukat:

Ok ... and if I may ask: How do you organize your projects?
Have you actually A main project - if this is synonymous extensive?
Grace. Gul Dukat
Antwort von Axel:

Andy here represents the position of common sense, and there's actually nothing to add, at most once in relation to differentiate the project scope:
For short projects, the organization is simple. In the case of long (all about 20 minutes, "long") projects must be structured to keep track of them. I suggest an analogy to the Book. Short Stories: No excesses, most in sub-paragraphs (a scene) structure. Novels or three hundred pages: Chapter (sequences within the same project). Epic dramas parts (projects) with chapters and paragraphs.
In this discussion it is anyway not the structure of the final product, but to a manageable size of the cut segments processed (= groups of successive clips). The division is only temporary, and allows the creation of cutting programs, encourages, suggests, once made to undo an assignment to draw a sequence in an open timeline to nest groups of clips, compositions, and effects, a complete sequence s. to share any point and make all these actions at any time, synonymous to reverse. Who these facilities do not work nearly unlimited uses, if it is just easier, is to blame and are just making life difficult.
Antwort von Markus:
Have you actually A main project - if this is synonymous extensive? Yes and no. The last comprehensive Project () is a classical concert had a duration of more than two hours and a volume of 6 video tracks and 8 audio tracks. Except for the guy (-> AE-composition) was all in a Project.
Antwort von Clas_76:
Yes and no. The last comprehensive Project () is a classical concert had a duration of more than two hours and a volume of 6 video tracks and 8 audio tracks. Except for the guy (-> AE-composition) was all in a Project. Hello Mark.
I may ask indiscreet views with which computer configuration do you work?
Thank you. Clas.
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Clas,
with me running Premiere 6.5 with Matrox RT.X100 and to a couple of large hard disks. The calculator itself is more than two years old, and the processor is only 2.4 GHz. But does it still. ;-)
Antwort von Flashlight:
... Creating sequences according to established chapters. Import the files into folders labeled according to the chapters. And then edit one sequence after another hard-working. The individual sequences summarized after a Komplettsequenz. Shall be rendered only at the player's turn, in rare cases, times in between a special effect (except !)...
The problem of inflexibility remains. You notice the final rendering that a transition is too short or the Sprecherton is mixed a little too softly
Subproject open> Effect Edit> Project Save> Open main project. And let some other things that is now his, but the elaborate (if you consider how long synonymous PPro still need to charge per project).
Grace. Gul Dukat. That's not true! Double-clicking on the corresponding sequence in the folder (ie in the imported sub-project) will open the Project as a sequence with all the editing features, such as when you work in this project would. It is not necessary, the (sub-) Project Open s.sich that you can accomplish anything in the main project. Try it out - at least it is in PP2.0 so (but I am sure that the 1.5 is already synonymous).
Greetings of Flash.