Frage von SammyGray:Hi!
I have the following:
4 halogen lamps with 1000 watts ..
All 4 have a 50cm Metallsoftbox 2 of them with combs for directional light.
How do I put the lamps a s.Besten?
Am here not as the expert ^ ^
Thank you, Sammy Lg
Antwort von Markus:
look at the times
Antwort von Axel:
Salut Sammy,
I recommend the book
"Die Chinesische Sonne"(Link), and folgenden Thread:
Darin erläutere ich u.a., warum man keine 4 x 1000 W benötigt, um die heimische Küche, Dr. Eigenbrods Büro and schon gar die Kanalisation (in der dein Namensvetter Sammy, Sommerlochmonster vor etwa 10 Jahren, mittlerweile zum Riesenalligator geworden ist), perfekt auszuleuchten.
"Action Petra!"
"Sammy, mein Gott, ich zerfließe."
"Kannst du nicht weniger schwitzen? Dein Makeup ist wieder hin."
"Jesus, Sammy, es hat dreißig Grad."
"Na and? Wenn du jetzt s.Scheinwerfer 3 vorbeikommst, zieh doch das Rollo wieder zu, die Sonne scheint mir ins Picture!"
P.S.: Für jede Einstellung erschaffst du
light, what you want. Also available light is changed in any case.
The attitude to work, start from scratch, excluding the existing light and only with headlights, is very respectable, and even secure the best guarantee of control over the outcome.
I add this because I was accused in a similar posting before, I was a cheap DV Fritze.
Antwort von SammyGray:
Thanks for the replies;)
I wenns search goes
an adapted to the illumination lamps or the interviewers with the above-described lamps.
The interviews are always held in discotheques.
The lamps I have fas imer runtergedimmt on each 400 watts.
Have it as before:
The two lamps with the Metallsoftbox addressed directly in front of the interviewer.
The other two lamps with the Metallsoftbox and use the top of the honeycomb as a head light.
Would that be solved s.Besten?
Or are there better suggestions?
Thank you!
LG Sammy
Antwort von Markus:
The two lamps with the Metallsoftbox addressed directly in front of the interviewer.
The other two lamps with the Metallsoftbox and use the top of the honeycomb as a head light.
That sounds good. If You headlights and interview participants sent positionierst, is the guiding light of the one person at a time, the fill light of the other - or the fill light of the one the highlight of the others. ;-)
BTW: A head light is a small (!) Video Light, which sits directly on the camera. You probably mean a highlight?
"Jesus, Sammy, it's thirty degrees."
If it would leave only at 30 ° C! I had had precisely during this hot summer a few years ago a rotary indoors, where we greatly luminesce.
The actor in the breakfast scene, I felt really sorry because of the O had to drink the juice, which stood for hours on the table. He could, however, can not say that this juice is now nearly 45 ° C was warm. (Yuck!) ;-)