Frage von sum41:
times have a question .. Have already been searching but found nothing ..
I want an object from Lightwave 9.3 on Sony Vegas 7 insert ....
What should I do? If for example I still color vornhemenmöchte ... About Chroma Key ichs've ever made ... but there is still another possibility ..
Do I maybe my account for After Effects recognize? ^ ^
ever grateful for your answers;)
Antwort von Marco:

If you are just things like color filters or other flags, but otherwise the object is finished, you have it only from Lightwave in a video on popular video format and import in Vegas. Use this as an uncompressed AVI with alpha channel. Then all you need in Vegas Chromakeying to no exemption, but only have the alpha channel to activate.
If thou but the 3D character must, because later changes s.3D character or 3D movements that should be made, it is difficult to impossible Vegas, such a file to import.
In Vegas 6, the plug of wax used to various 3D models directly into Vegas to import and edit. Unfortunately this plugin does not work with Vegas 7 and Vegas Pro 8th
Antwort von sum41:

ever thank you .... but I want to stop an animation in a real video ... make credible the heist compositing ... sorry ... I would have to express more precisely ^ ^
Antwort von Marco:

And what does this mean?
Antwort von sum41:

Ich glaub ich werd mal a bit more specific ^ ^
I have a cube. I want the room in my place ...
This is actually alone with Lightwave, but if the cube for example behind a chair is ...^^ what do I do then?
Antwort von Marco:

Then you need to include the composition of the chair in Lightwave or create but you have the chair as before and the blue record in Lightwave manufactured dice in Vegas as a backdrop to take the chair video.
Basically you can synonymous in Vegas after the chair manual masking. But Komplexitiät depending on the shape of the chair so that you're doing no good ...
Antwort von sum41:

achja ... oke .... thank you ^^...
sowas is perhaps synonymous with rotoskoping?;)
Antwort von Marco:

That would certainly synonymous with rotoscoping, but Vegas does not have.
Antwort von sum41:

oke ...^^.... so .. but sometime ae, D.
Many thanks for your quick help! xD
Antwort von sum41:

hm .... habs tried ...
how do I do that, the cube casts shadows?
I like my sowas:
must not, of course, that anyone before the object expires ^ ^
Antwort von Marco:

If it works on a flat surface is: Put the object a second time in accordance with mirrored or distorted s.and darkening it, blur it and make it slightly transparent.
Antwort von sum41:

joa ... good idea ..: D. .. but in making the film or otherwise? hab mal so cinema4d tutorial .... they have seen this somehow with the c4d done .... then something is synonymous in lightwave?
Antwort von Marco:

No clue, I am only moderately from Vegas. But should one of the basic functions of Lightwave count.
Antwort von sum41:

aso ^^.... uh ... stupid question ... how it reflects?: D