Frage von prem:
Liquid Edition 6 and I'm pursuing this usually with a
Firewire card.
Now I will not deal with a VHS video and a bit on DVD
To this end I have a TV card installed yet available.
How can I get Liquid Edition 6 now to recognize this card,
so I can enter it from the LIVE connection as input?
mfg Stefan
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Stefan,
forget the "TV-(not video)-am-computer card. For digitizing analog video recordings would be an A / D converter is the right choice.
Learn More:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect, capture and edit images
Antwort von prem:

Hi Markus,
erstmal vielen Dank schonmal for your answer.
A / D converters are so synonymous in the TV card in it.
I realize that I am not as "serious quality"
can be expected. But my serious film projects,
I even cut synonymous via FireWire.
Therefore, it is worthwhile for me, I proffessionelle
Capture hardware zuzulegen, two video cassettes
to digitize, especially since it synonymous to my old calculator
way this works is if only synonymous in TV-quality maps.
mfg Stefan
Antwort von Markus:

If liquid, the TV card not accepted as a setter (perhaps because MPEG compression?), You could use other software to capture the shots, and then import the data into Liquid. Make sure that the videos right in the correct format (720 × 576, 25 fps, there is interlaced) and not yet converted or scaled to be otherwise.
VCR software, however, is not my area of expertise. Perhaps you can find something suitable in the Category