Frage von GML:
I plan to make a video mixer installed on a PC. He should live engagements at least two video signals (no preference to mix what format). Has anyone an idea which card or the software in a reasonable cost for this framework would be used?
Antwort von Marco:

"Defensible cost limits" is an elastic concept seeeehr.
Of the Video Toaster NewTek has a good reputation.
Antwort von megalutzi:

why does it really always be a PC?
As far as reliability, conventional video mixer at an advantage. And even with analog mixers, the quality of live einsatz hardly be distinguished digitally, I'm with digital mixers (dv, not SDI), even more bad experiences. (Analog video can be easily transmitted over a long stretch of time, already had time Fiwi 40m cable in use? From price to mention.
But if it is supposed to be a PC: no preference which format might be s.problematischten. Then you should define itself.
Antwort von Markus:

I share the view of Lutz. We also have the live use a video mixer there. Could it be that (if the purchase of an adequately sized PC into account) is even cheaper than any computer solution. Tracked later scanned to a digital VTR, the tape into the PC (eg for DVD authoring).