Frage von booster:
Hello Slashcam team
I have set before a live event, live over the internet to stream the entire production inventory is available (cameras, video mixers, etc)
from the video mixer comes ready-mixed signal as s-video or composite.
Now my question, I have a link in a web page, where the stream it live (in bets quality) is to be seen. How do I make the s.effektivesten, just when I need a video capture card into the PC and install it on a program stream can have in the search of something Microsoft Media Center or something like that read, someone has experience and can therefore give me tips, or an alternative for Mac users call. 'm open in the sense that there are Mac and PC ready as synonymous.
Thank you very much
Antwort von Markus:

PC-based would be the Windows Media Encoder in question, the AV data in realtime deinterlace, scale and compressed - a sufficiently powerful calculator provided.
Related topics:
Live capture "
Digital Camcorders -> laptop -> DVD (-> Processor utilization)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Perhaps gehts synonymous via VLC
Runs on any OS, according to Manufacturer
Quote on the website
"It can also be used sa streaming server, with extended features (video on demand, on the fly transcoding, ...)
Antwort von urban:

schau dir mal on. Because you can do for free if you like. Easy with the sum into a calculator with Internet access (for Windows, there is even a high quality encoder) and it can go ...