Frage von JanT:
Hallihallo Slashcam,
the last 3 days I've spent it, every possible thread that is linked with
"loud music" concert "Festival" "external microphone", etc. durchzukauen stands. I have read many useful tips here - but now I'm faced with a decision in which she views you must help me.
Since last year, I am part of a club, since 1999, every year a small metal / punk / hardcore / ska-organized festival (so everything is loud!). I am including for the TV trailer for this responsibility and that we are able to watch after the stress and relax with the bands on the television (because we * have at the festival usually no time to g) - ie:
bands + audience on stage and filmed in front of the stage. To this end, I always lend me a
Canon XM1 of 2 friends of me. You already suspect my problem: No matter where I am staying down on the festival, the bass lüncht me the sound of the internal mic! For the trailer is no problem, get the background music is anyway - but for our shots, it is more than a shame.
Sound mixer of the solution I read here several times. Is problematic in my case because I can not consistently shoot / may / will - and resynchronize every few seconds / minutes is stupid. Solution -> I want to buy me an external Microphone.
Now, the part must meet several conditions:
** Good frequency
** Rugged (Max SPL)
** Under 200EUR
** Compatible Windscreen available
I was more than happy, as was mentioned here in the forum
SonyECM-S959C. But the posts were probably more than this date. Microphone For this there is probably no more, either on ebay or in an e-shop, or anywhere else. Even google and listen geizhals it only as a corpse.
So I next geslashcamt and have come after long wrangling, and her on these specimens:
- Rode VideoMic (98 EUR)
- Rode NTG 1 or 2 (199 EUR / 239 EUR)
- AKG C1000S (~ 185 EUR incl accessories)
And the classic: SENNHEISER MKE 300 VIDEO (145 EUR) With the exception of MKE300, I have not really read much on the above microphones. Especially the RODE VideoMic surprised of the data here (40 Hz -20 000 Hz / SPL: 134 dB SPL) - and then of course the price. Would that be the solution to my problem? Or if the data does not correspond with reality, and there are problems?
I would be very grateful if you could help me, as I no mixer and only with an external microphone to the festival master would. The solution to borrow a different camera, would be synonymous acceptable if it remains cost effective.
T'schuldigung for the long post - but better so than if misunderstandings arise, right?
Antwort von steveb:

was recommended in many threads on the recording to an external card or Minidiscplayer or DAT recorder. All I can say, "I won". Audio directly to the camera, is synonymous with a better can override external micro. The adjustable recording volume is at audioaufnehmern the necessary "reserve" to bring (eg for bass, etc.)
Antwort von JanT:

Danke erstmal.
However, synonymous with DAT / MiniDisc, etc. I get problems with the synch. Is there no microphones that can withstand the enormous pressures and are adjustable so that the bass in advance can be extremely runtergepegelt?
Antwort von steveb:

Micro is not a problem but rather the lack of aussteuerungsmöglichkeit the camcorder. with the camera if you can not audition the sound, you're always risking (synonymous with a great micro) clipping and the like.
So a possible trade-off between poor tone or subsequent syncronisation Picture and sound ... You decide, but remember, the sound is messed erstmal ... good luck.
Antwort von PoopShooter:

Soderle '- you should post here so synonymous always nice solution to a problem, I'll do the time.
Had I bought RHODE VideoMic and mitlerweile the festival is synonymous around. It was extremely loud and bassy (Caliban, Hatesphere, Ignite, etc..) And what should I say? The images are sharp! Stand partially right in front of the box / tape and the bass is perfect, despite XM1. Had MICATT s.and the Micro itself, the high-pass filter turned on - no plan, whether this had any effect - but I have the two things just turned mal ^ ^
Of course, there is no Comparison to the mixer, but for those who want to shoot a concert (from great distances as synonymous in front of the box), I really only recommend this mic! One should only note that it is not a good atmosphere (obviously) and takes up only the things that happen right in front ... but it is clear in the way Mic. Nevertheless, works filmed on tape and then swing round of applause with the part perfectly.
Antwort von Markus:

Thank you for your feedback. I will send the link to that thread once one of my clients, who regularly turns to hip hop events, and this usually synonymous Sound has a problem with oversteer.
Maybe that helps Rode VideoMic since next yes?