Newsmeldung von slashCAM:MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Update for 2006/2007 of thomas - 29 Jun 2006 15:41:00 MAGIX Movie Edit Pro has an update for 2006/2007 provided that solves some problems and bring improvements.
- Nova-S Plus card now works without manual LNB
- Recording of analog source (VCR) via DV Cam worked, despite last update still partly not, now correctly
- May occur with the DV decoding noise is eliminated
(Changes to
In addition, synonymous changes following the first update (to version includes:
- DV recording is now possible, if your camcorder with analog inputs in VCR mode with no DV tape as a real-time DV-to-analog converter is used (eg possible with Canon MV850i)
- Disturbed Using smart rendering of MPEG files with disturbances (eg DVB recordings), no audio / video offset more
- The DVB Recording with wastage (eg feature film with a few minutes of advertising) is taken in front of the car s.häufigsten occurring Aspect Ratio. So is the film 16:9, advertising, however, 4:3, then the recording is imported as 16:9.
- Scene detection for HDV recording available
- Fixed bug on accessing audio recordings in long IR (> 35min)
( Changes to
to news reporting
Antwort von Gast2:

Patch of 11.09.2006:
Changes to
Artifacts for the Smart Rendering eliminates certain DVB recordings
Changes to s.DVD Encoding problems playing on Philips DVD recorders
Button is for loading of settings from an existing MPEG file again present
- DV Ausspieldialog in Classic version now opens without an error message about missing ini file
Classic /
Pros Warning: may cause the patch problems -
Antwort von Duisburger:

For me there are no problems, did you already test it again?
Antwort von Gast2:

Patch of 07.11.2006:
Changes to
Problems when importing certain MJPEG and uncompressed AVI files fixed, especially video-only
-multiline menu labels are now properly stored in the DIP
Discontinuations in the encoding of certain animated menus Fixed
Issues with the involvement of wave files as the menu background sound fixed
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