Frage von klausw:
I have several MP3 files with geleaden the calculator, and they wanted to hear, but no preference whether I Windows Media Player or iTunes, they play too fast.
The files "files" to run on my external MP3 player as normal.
Can someone help me?
Gruß Klaus
Antwort von steveb:

Wrong MP3 format or frequency wrong? Output set to perhaps 22 Khz? Check out times the playback settings.
Antwort von klausw:

where I think the wiedergabeeigneschaften?
gruß klaus
Antwort von steveb:

small correction .... with what program you have it because of MP3 PLayer "beamed"?
Check out time the files in Explorer. For this you form the view provides details, so that you are synonymous, the File Properties. Here we see the frequency settings, etc.
What is it there?
Antwort von klausw:

you mean type in MP3 audio format, bit rate 128kBit / s, 44kHz sampling rate?
gruß Klaus
Antwort von steveb:

exactly! that seems to be correct. hmmm ... weiterdenken again.
windows media player will play this format synonymous. then there must be something else.
Do you have the opportunity to record a MP3 file to a different calculator for? if so, what happens on the calculator?
Antwort von klausw:

I have transferred this file from my laptop on my computer at home, on the laptop running well on my mp3 player the way synonymous.
Antwort von steveb:

Now we fish in troubled waters ....
overall audio settings of the system to check.
again using a different tool. zb powerlame (freeware) is
What happens with normal Wav files? Synonymous run faster?
Antwort von jeantier:

which sound card you have on your calculator, and with whom they PLYERS you from playing?
As very often in cards can happen with variable sample rates (eg Terratec), which is the sample rate is changed by the player. The presumption of SteveB there was not so wrong if the sample rate does not match the sound is running slower or faster, depending on the direction in which moved the sample rate by the player.
I had not known a phase and, had the sample rate to be lured there first.
Maybe this is the same problem with you
It greets tired and crumpled
the jean ANIMAL